Home News Local Zhiibaahaasing First Nation declares COVID-19 outbreak

Zhiibaahaasing First Nation declares COVID-19 outbreak


An August 9 notice of a COVID-19 outbreak was published by Zhiibaahaasing First Nation. According to the release, the community is now in an official outbreak due to two or more confirmed cases. It was not clear as of the notice whether the positive cases were of the Delta variant, but the release noted that the Delta variant spreads quickly, especially among non-vaccinated, including children under 12.

With the possibility of communal spread, Zhiibaahaasing is requesting community members stay home and only travel for essential purposes. The release advises community members to designate one person in the household to conduct essential movement such as grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions or attending medical appointments.

The First Nation is also advising that there will be no gatherings and that people should remain in their bubble, that is not to visit those outside their households.

Community members are also requested to follow all COVID-19 safety guidelines and ensure they keep records of all interactions throughout the outbreak to assist with contact tracing.

Those who do not reside on the reserve are asked to refrain from visiting Zhiibaahaasing First Nation until a declaration announces the end of the outbreak.

The community health nurse is working diligently on contact tracing and arranging for testing as well as conducting educational presentations. Those wishing to be tested are advised to contact Crystal Mossip to be placed on the schedule. Date of testing will be confirmed later. Those wishing to receive the vaccine are also advised to contact Ms. Mossip.

The band advises those members who need to speak to someone during this stressful time to contact the Mnidoo Mnising Mental Wellness Response Team at 705-368-1937.

Zhiibaahaasing requests that everyone recognize that “we are all in this together and will get through this together. Stay safe and be kind.


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