Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Writer lauds the work of South East Manitoulin Lions Club

Writer lauds the work of South East Manitoulin Lions Club


To the Expositor:

We recognize that all people in the municipality of Assiginack have a right to express their opinion.

We consider ourselves very fortunate to live across the street from the Manitowaning arena where we can witness all the activity that goes on by the countless number of volunteers associated with the Lions Club in their endeavour to bring a world class event into our community, (be it 3 pm in the afternoon or 3 am in the wee hours of the morning).

This is an event that brings vitality and much excitement to our community. What better way to shorten our winter months, to say nothing of the thousands of spin off dollars that support our local businesses.

We congratulate the Lions Club in this endeavour that brings a “supermall” like parking lot full of semis, with all their colour, banners, generators, flood lights and sounds that compliment the event. This keeps our community vibrant.

Many thanks to those on council who see value to providing services to our community that are more exciting than plowing snow.

Those who object would do well to don a parka, bake up a fresh basket of tea biscuits, laced with butter and strawberry jam, provide a thermos of hot coffee to support the volunteers.

Oh yes, the projected cost of $5,000 for water required to perform the icing of the racetrack by a very simplified calculation is $5.40 per resident of the municipality of Assiginack and is money well spent. Just consider this as icing on the cake.”

Elwood and Marilyn Wohlberg



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