Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Wind turbine money is a deal with the devil

Wind turbine money is a deal with the devil


To the Expositor:

I hope a lot of people saw and read the letter in the September 4 issue and I hope it’s a wake up call for the First Nations leaders (Letter writers ask First Nations people…’ page 5).

I have been saying this for a long time that these windmills are nothing but bad news and I hope they will smarten up and find a way to stop building these windmills on Manitoulin but people disagree with me on this because they think they know better but now I am starting to know that I am right and people who have them close by are starting to get sick, I guess. The landowners who are letting them on property are doing it for the money and I hear First Nations leaders always talking about the Creator so I will ask a question: who do you really believe in, the Creator or the almighty dollar? I think I have my answer to that but do not get me wrong because I can tell just by your actions that you sold out your own people for the sake of a dollar.

Money is not going to be around forever and it’s like making a deal with the devil. Sorry to say but money is not everything, it’s about looking after the land properly and the wildlife and to leave it to its natural state because these windmills may turn Manitoulin into a wasteland, especially around the Little Current area. But as I said before, time will tell but I hope that I will be wrong this time but then again, I am usually right.

Ron Osawabine


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