Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Wife praises work of fire volunteers

Wife praises work of fire volunteers


To the Expositor:

As summer comes to an end I wanted to thank all the dedicated firefighters for their commitment to keeping our town fire-free. This year was an exceptionally hot, dry summer. With our community abiding by the long fire ban, and our firefighters committing to be on call over long weekends, there were no major fires in NEMI.

I want the community to know how many extra hours this volunteer department puts in. On their own time they do BBQ’s, fire inspections, and take the time to talk with children about fire prevention.

I know that the fire chief puts in many long hours, and cares deeply for his members. I know when that pager goes off, that my husband is safe under Chief Darren Bailey’s direction. Thank you to the department, the fire chief and his family and to all the other families of the local fire departments that have to sometimes put their lives and commitments on hold while they go and protect our community. It doesn’t matter if they are at their children’s birthday party or visiting with friends, when that pager goes off, they all go running!

Next time you see one of our amazing fire fighters, say thank you. Let them know they are appreciated this summer, and for the many summers that follow.

Martha Boyle

Wife of a NEMI volunteer fire fighter



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