Home News Headline Watershed Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook

Watershed Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook


The Ministry of Natural Resources – Sudbury District is advising area residents of the Aux Sables, French, Onaping, Spanish, Vermillion, Veuve, Wanapitei, Whitefish, Manitou and Mindemoya Rivers that a Watershed Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook is in effect in the District.

Residents in these watersheds should keep a close watch on conditions, regularly check for updated messages and stay away from fast-moving rivers and streams.

MNR is closely monitoring the weather and developing watershed conditions. Further updates will be issued as appropriate.


Description of Weather System

The weather forecast over the next 24 hours in the Sudbury District calls for mixed precipitation with rain and snow. There is the potential for up to 30mm of rain on Monday. As this weather system moves through our area, the temperatures will drop and the rain will transition to snow and/or freezing rain by Monday afternoon. Monday overnight the temperatures will remain below freezing, continuing into Tuesday with light snow.

Description of Current Conditions

There is still a significant amount of snowpack with the local watersheds, with approximately 50+cm of snow on the ground. The ground is still frozen throughout most of the area and the precipitation is unable to be absorbed, instead going directly into local rivers and streams.

Local watershed levels have been rising as the recent weather system has been melting this snow.

Expiry Date:

This message will expire on Wednesday, April 16 2014, 12:00 AM

Terminology: Notification Levels

WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT – FLOOD OUTLOOK: gives early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions

WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT – WATER SAFETY: indicates that high flows, melting ice or other factors could be dangerous for such users as boaters, anglers and swimmers but flooding is not expected.

FLOOD WATCH: potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities

FLOOD WARNING: flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities.


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