Home News Local Tractors ‘n Tailgates-themed fall fair a successful community event

Tractors ‘n Tailgates-themed fall fair a successful community event

JUNIOR FARMERS––The Simon triplets, Brooke, Ashlin and Lily, pose proudly with their prize following a win as Junior Farmers, three-year-old division, at the Wikwemikong Fall Fair on Saturday.

WIKWEMIKONG—By all accounts, the annual Wikwemikong fall fair held over the past weekend was a resounding success.

A little rain didn’t stop the enthusiasm of Wikwemikong residents who gathered along a rainy Wikwemikong Way on Saturday morning to cheer on the hearty participants of the annual parade, officially kicking off a weekend to mark the community’s rich agricultural heritage. With the theme of ‘Tractors ‘n Tailgates,’ this parade had it all, as did the displays made by the youth of Wikwemikong as a lead up to the much-loved event.

Upstairs in the arena, tailgates adorned with homemade bumper stickers, an art project by one junior school class, had such comments as ‘Honk if you love Jesus. Keep texting and you might get to meet him,’ ‘I love bacon’ and ‘I just love kittens.’

The arena hall also featured displays from local gardeners with zucchinis, potatoes, kale and so much more, appropriately adorned with first, second or third place ribbons.

Linda Roy of Ireva Photography was also stationed in the hall with a fall-themed display where families could get a professional photo taken for just $10.

Downstairs the ice-free arena floor was a hive of activity as the Junior Farmer contest got underway, with little people in their farm finery strutting their stuff before the judges in the hopes of taking home some great prizes. Another popular station was the apple recipe table that featured plenty of delights made with apples, all harvested close to home. The message, along with a tasty treat, was that healthy and delicious foods can be found right on your own backyard.

Soon the call went up and well-known caller Fred Hunter had his Hawberry Hoedowners, special guests to this year’s fair, dosey doe-ing around the arena floor. The camera phones were quickly brought out as an appreciative audience filmed the square dancers’ intricate dances.

The day also featured kids games, a Texas horseshoe tournament, live entertainment by some of Wikwemikong’s finest musicians, inflatable fun courtesy of Checkers Fun Factory and of course, men’s fastball.

Over at the horse ring, Stan Osawamick, home for the pull from Canada’s Arctic, took top honours with his mules Roy and Sam in the heavyweight division, pulling 11,500 pounds 14 feet. Second place went to Kevin Gilbert of Purple Valley for his pull of 11,500 pounds at three feet with Sam and Dan and third place went to Wikwemikong’s Jerrold Webkamigad and his team of Tim and Roy that also pulled 11,500 pounds two inches. Also competing in the heavyweight class were Greg Payette, Jerome Pheasant and Dave McAllister.

In the lightweight division, Cliff George and his team of Dolly and Bill pulled 8,500 pounds while John Graham and Snap and Bell came in second place with their pull of 8,500 pounds at one foot eight inches. Doug Thompson placed third with 8,000 pounds over 15 feet courtesy of Josh and Doc. Justine Rydall, the only female competitor, pulled 8,000 pounds 14 feet with Peanut and Buck.

In memory of the late Alfred Webkamigad, Lillian Webkamigad and family donated $1,000 to the horse pull purse and received a big chi-miigwetch from the fall fair committee.

The Teamster Award was given to Dave McAllister in the memory of the late James Roy.

In the truck pull, gas division, M’Chigeeng’s Curtis Corbiere took top honours with a 9,000 pound pull of three feet, six inches, Lyle Peltier of Wikwemikong took second, also with a 9,000 pull of 11 inches, while Eddie Shawana of Wikwemikong placed third with a 7,000 pound pull of 15 feet. Larry Kimewon and Travis Jones rounded out the list of competitors in the gas division.

The Corbiere brothers of M’Chigeeng dominated the truck pull results. In the diesel division, Tyler Corbiere placed first with an 11,000-pound pull of five feet. Brother Aaron placed second with an 11,000-pound pull of three feet five inches while Barry Peltier placed third with his 15-foot pull, also at 9,000 pounds.

Also competing in the diesel division, and placing in order from fourth to 10th, were Rodney Corbiere, Richard Trudeau, John Graham, Todd Corbiere, Preston Webkamigad, Wilson Manitowabi and Rueban Manitowabi.

Saturday concluded with a dance featuring the Sweet Nectar Band with a special appearance by Ruby John and George Trudeau while the weekend-long event ended with the Tour De Rez bike race and the men’s fastball championship game.


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