Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Torture of solitary confinment prolongs colonization travesty

Torture of solitary confinment prolongs colonization travesty


A young man and his family are being victimized by an uncaring system

To the Expositor:

The murder of Sherman Quisses in Thunder Bay District Jail and the subsequent allegations against Adam Capay, followed by charges laid by Superintendent Wheeler, are a travesty of justice. I feel for the Quisses family, for you Tristan. The systemic racism First Nations are subjected to, in the justice system and corrections have been revealed at a tremendous cost to the Quisses and Capay families, both. Self-government for First Nations and alternatives to a broken, colonial imposition of justice are imminent. 

The rumors in the press that a “stay” will be granted to Adam at his upcoming trial, apparently set for March 20, provoked a response from the Quisses Family, demanding that justice be served in the untimely and tragic death of Sherman Quisses. ‘Justice denied’ are the only words that describe the torture Adam Capay endures. He is now 1,700 miles from home with no familial support, and no visits from friends. Who knows what challenges he faces in Waypoint Mental Health Centre in Penetanguishene? 

The Canadian Government and we the people of Canada, receive victims of torture from other countries with open arms. These survivors of torture are given refugee status and provided support, but not for one of our own sons. What support have Adam and his family been offered by the innumerable officials and delegates who represent us? Nothing, absolutely nothing! His family, friends and supporters have rallied to raise $1,200 dollars on a GoFundMe campaign, for a “Family Visit for Adam Capay.” 

It is clear that the First Nations of Canada, a young man like Adam, are of little or no consequence. That we, as Canadians are allowing Adam Capay to suffer and languish in yet another of our imposed institutions, Waypoint Mental Health Centre, is outrageous! 

Adam Capay is not merely a poster boy for solitary confinement. He is Glenda’s boy, a brother, a nephew and a member of a community. He needs access to his own traditions and culture, his family, friends and community to heal from torture, to even begin to heal the wounds we have inflicted. The very least we can do is to demand that resources and support are now available to him and his family. Let’s be as generous to an Ojibwe man from Lac Seul, Ontario, one who has survived four years of torture, as we would to a refugee from a foreign land. 

Jane Woodbury
Tofino, BC


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