Home Columns Tender accepted for Maple Lane Road reconstruction

Tender accepted for Maple Lane Road reconstruction


MINDEMOYA—With the support of local residents in the area to work being carried out on Maple Lane in the municipality, Central Manitoulin council has accepted a tender for reconstruction work to carried out on the road.

At a special council meeting held July 12, 2017 council considered three tenders that had been submitted on the Maple Lane project. Council accepted the lowest tender, from H and R Noble at a total cost of $88,931. Other tenders were received from Mike Varey Excavating at a total price of $202,171.69, and C. Pearson and Sons in the amount of $115,260.

The work that will be carried out will bring the Maple Lane Road up to municipal standards. The municipality owns the road but never taken over maintenance of the road until it was to be brought up to standard.

Before tendering out for bids on the Maple Lane reconstruction, the municipality had surveyed local residents on Maple Lane. Eighteen were in favour of the road being reconstructed, with one no vote and one abstaining.

The work will be carried out with the owners of the property sharing 60 percent of the costs of the road reconstruction, with the municipality providing 40 percent.


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