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Tehkummah Talks and Times


Saturday, July 23, I shared table space at Island Fish and Chips South Baymouth with Ross, Susan and David. I didn’t even know that Justin had been home July 1. Sometimes you just have to talk to your neighbours! Rob Harkes is at his summer place. Their permanent home now is Bancroft. He visited with Cal and I, under the maple on Friday. Now for this week’s news. Evelyn was breakfasting at Garden Shed with her aunt Justeen, who told me Ken and Evelyn had surprised them with a visit, also Margarite Bates. I had a nice visit there with Bertha and Shawna who is home from Abu Dhabi for a visit with family and friends. Her life sounds interesting. Cal said they’d seen a huge bear down near his place. What’s with all the sightings, be careful folks. Reg and Sherry Hall are spending time at their Manitou River retreat. There are so many blessings in my life, and to be blessed with good friends, I was given a beautiful gift. Sometimes there is just NO WAY to say thank you that seems enough. I appreciate the thoughtfulness. Specially created. I had lunch today at Pierside Restaurant. Thanks so much, too. My day started with a portabella mushroom burger. I dropped it on the mat outside my door. I salvaged a bit of it, picking cat hair off of it. While I was sitting outside this beautiful “Black Butterfly” kept trying to get my attention. I was just heading for the butterfly book, when Lorna phoned to say Reta Vanhorn had passed away. Needless to say, that was a shocker. We all knew she wasn’t well, and we sure will miss her hard and faithful work at the hall and as part of our team of Sr. U.C.W. and a good friend. Sympathy to her family and friends. It’s strange too, I just picked up a page from my last year and top of the list was that Reta had come to unhook me from I.V. (she nursed for years). Just got home. I always stop at Mum’s after euchre; usually get to see one episode of Three’s Company. Jeanine and Yogi were in the kitchen tonight, five and a half tables at euchre. Hey, I won ladies’ high with 87 points. Good partners! Annette had 4 lone hands; Reg Hall, high, 67 on a cut; Cody, 3 lone hands on a cut; Andy, low, 52; Florence, low, 38; Brenda Hemming, door prize. Cody is staying with his grandmother Sandie Pielsticker for a summer holiday. The next bid euchre is at the hall, Thursday, August 3 at 7:30 pm. Cribbage, eight and a half tables: high hand, 24, Ruth McG, Joy and Florence; first, Marg and Simon, 957; second, Lori and Rick, 937; third, Donna and Audrey, 936; low, Betty Jean and Bill, 858; door, Ruth McGregor, Mary J, Cal, and Jean McCauley. Friday morning shortly after 6 am K.T. says it’s sunny and clear; I beg to differ, beautiful cloud formations though, and a misty sunrise that wild geese flew before, to make a beautiful picture. I found my takeout cup, microwaved some old coffee, took a box of chocolates with me just to look at them, and just drove around this area, looking at the morning, and Ruth’s flowers, and Mum’s potted plants, pretty in front of her spot. It was brilliant pink clouds that got me activated, but now I’m back in bed listening to a cat snoring, how boring is that? I’d been driving in my nightwear. Is that aging? The law? My gas tank on the low side, I should pay attention! Brenda and Grant Hemming are at their summer spot. I think they are like turtles and take/bring their house with them. Always great to see them! Another interesting day upon completion. This is the first time the sunset sky has been pink the whole way around, no green cloud, or cloud bank. Friday I watched the Ferry traffic off and on again, a good load coming. A visit with Joan in the afternoon and a cup of tea. I had lunch at Garden Shed after the market, then called in on Reta’s family who were packing up her apartment. Such a sad job, hugs all around. I didn’t stay. A busy market day, Skylar wasn’t well. So I was alone today, lots of visiting time Saturday afternoon. I am writing the breeze is cooling, but a warm day. Not too long home from the lovely tribute luncheon to Reta Vanhorn’s life. The happy/sads of touching base with folks you haven’t seen for a while and new folk met. A nice display of flowers, even some from Reta’s garden. A beautiful heart wreath with roses, photos of family and life. A great singer of country songs, Barry. Reta would have loved that, the youngest grandchild, London (noting her dad teased her about getting her name in the paper). I sat with Jean, Tammy Neveills, we just met, and Martin and Lynda. Nice to see Jennifer Reardon (her Mum’s image), Becky. Looking for family history! Thank you, Doug, for giving us the chance to celebrate your Mum’s life. Sympathy and prayers to every member of the family and family extended. I heard they buried Marge Ausen’s ashes today. I just got drift of that last evening. I was shelling fresh peas from the market. Kim’s here for a quick trip and brought bags of peas with edible pods, beans three colours, zucchini, two colours. What kind of baby bird has a row of tailfeathers brilliant yellow? A large baby. A few games of Sequence with Sherry and Dave after a good supper of fresh garden vegies. The S.B.C.D.A. and South Shore Fire Department are hosting a barbecue, bake sale and fireman’s yard sale on August 5, starting at 10 am. At The Little Schoolhouse Museum at South Baymouth. Heck, another week, another month is gone. Where is summer? Where is time? I’m losing it in more ways than one! Seemed to be a great crowd at Budd Park for the St. Andrews annual songfest, etc. The Islanders, Robbie Shawana, I missed some good entertainment, I heard. Judy MCd. I sang one! The food was fabulous, I heard, SBCDA, I assume cooking up a storm. Cal and I sat with Joan Hall and Mary Manwin. Mary’s on two weeks’ vacation. Happy Birthday today Joan Arnold and to my daughter Sherry on August 6. Turn those two numbers around to find out my age. Can’t believe it, I’m only 39 or is that plenty nine? We did our usual, it’s habit forming. Watching people and counting the evening ferry traffic, coming and going. Kim came in for an undertree visit, he’s on his way home. Brings me some lovely fresh trout to go with the veggie. Country Fest coming up soon! Remember I mentioned the small ornamental bird house hanging on the trellis? I was going to block the hole, but I would have probably killed the mama on the nest. She’s a busy bee carrying food to the brood. He sits and sings! Typical, a woman’s work and all that. Robbie Shawana was our St. Andrews Anniversary music, it was lovely. Voice guitar and harmonica. Congratulations to grandparents Pat and John Novak. I hear there is a new baby girl in your world!


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