Home Columns Tehkummah Talk and Times – Mar 5-14

Tehkummah Talk and Times – Mar 5-14


Friday, 7 am—Beautiful pink horizon, and for the first time in about two weeks, not a breath of wind. Cold, cold though! I got dressed, let the dog drag me inside, and here am I with pen in hand and coffee beside me back in bed with the covers over me. I imagine Poppy got up to see Tara off to work. My house seems cold. Every west north facing window is frosted up beautifully. The east facing one has a spider web pattern over half of it. None of the cats moved from their chosen places though Poppy and Cleo kissed when she first came in.

Can’t believe we are weekending again. I have been tidying up and rewriting some poems, most only need a word or two changed depending on what I write them on or when could be the problem!

Beat Mum a couple of games of cribbage yesterday on my way home. I had been to Manitowaning and met a nice girl named Tina at the bank. They have bought a farm in Spring Bay area. Checked out the rummage winter sale in Manitowaning as well as shopped the usual spots. Checked out my lottery tickets, still not a millionaire. All I do is help others! (My goal in life.) The girls at the drug store are always so nice and friendly. Picked up my photos. I thought that was the film that had the good pictures I took of “the fox” but no. Had lunch at Queen Street General. Sat about two minutes with Marilyn, Wayne and Sherry until Cal and Cole came in. The blowing snow made for miserable driving. Thank goodness we don’t have a lot of traffic to contend with here on the Island in wintertime. Seems to be less all the time too on the roads. Probably can’t afford the gas?

Hey, I forgot to tell you last week on our trip to Sudbury twice I saw birds acting twitterpated. It was a nice day. Were spring thoughts in the air? Frost today should delay those! People seem to be complaining about the length of this “taste” of winter (all of North America that is?).

Well once again it’s Monday morning of a new month. So I guess time must be “March”-ing on (ha!)?

Yesterday after church we, Mum and I, had lunch at the usual spot. Just Maxine McVey, our minister for the day, and her husband Doran. We had a nice visit. Kind of a catching up time. She with her sermon took us back with some questions of how the United Church came to be. Maxine as a retired minister is president now of presbytery and is visiting churches all over. So that’s nice.

I beat my mother at cards after church! Back down to Carol’s and Earl’s. We saw Bernice and Elwood Lewis dining out. They had seen people on the ice heading for the ice caves. Be very careful folks. The ice is “not” secure!

Saturday we played cards for money. I didn’t end up richer or poorer. So should not I guess! Went to town with Cal and had coffee at Queen Street General. Sat with Jim, Wayne and Bill (Sim) who is recovering nicely from knee surgery. Speaking of knees, Audrey (Moggy), how are you doing?

Cole celebrated his 20th birthday by celebrating with friends and had card games with family and made a move.

We, Sherry and Dave and Lori and Rick, played Sequence at Cal’s on Friday evening. I think we all finished out pretty evenly. Sure is a good game for your mind, if your eyes don’t go crossed trying to keep track of everyone on the board.

On March 8 there will be a pancake brunch at Tehkummah hall starting at 9 am. There will be a euchre tournament in the afternoon and a chili supper. See you all there! Right!

Next Manitowaning euchre tournament is March 28. Third Thursday for Tehkummah’s euchre, March 20 at 8 pm. First day of spring too?

The Triangle March birthday party is the third Tuesday, March 18 at 1:30 pm.

The cute little raccoon around the corner must be having quite the challenge to survive. Sure is tiny. Loads of birds in the backyard here, of all colour and kind.

I just heard of Robbie Chatwell’s death this morning. Sympathy to Lyla and all the family. Robbie was the nicest guy, always had quite a sense of humour. And we have missed him at our euchre games here in Tehkummah.

You’ve heard the story of Black Beauty. Apparently not fiction but the real thing. Can be seen at the home of Susan and Simon’s (or should I say barn). I hear she is very sweet and beautiful and I have yet to meet her.

Hello Ruth 0! How are you?

Hello there, are you good at saving? Saving daylight is coming March 9. Already I see longer daylight portions and that’s a “great” thing. Now if it would just get warm enough that I could sit out with my morning coffee!

Mum says she is getting the most delicious meals on Thursday evenings. What a treat for all the folks! Just lovely. Cornerstone Church and Rodney’s crew of faithful cooks and delivery folk. Thank God for you all!



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