Home Columns Tehkummah Talk and Times Jan22

Tehkummah Talk and Times Jan22


Thank you so much for all gifts over the holiday. The gifts of family and friends, most precious (re Christmas and birthday).

Tuesday—I swear we have the “Best” road crew on Manitoulin Island. I know it’s snowing again when I hear the plow go by early, early! I don’t have to get up and look out in the light of day. I say when Cal calls I’m going to keep my head under the covers ‘til noon, but I’m up. When I see those tiny birds out there battling the weather I think perhaps I’ve got it made! Bless their wee brave hearts, it’s a pleasure for me to “wallow” in the snow to feed them. Well you know what I mean! Couldn’t believe the blizzard conditions again?

Sounds like there is no end to the inconsideration this winter is throwing at us all, at least we aren’t in Toronto or backed up at the airports? Don’t know why I always seem to have the Weather Network on lately, I can just look out my windows! The deer are in every night rooting around the base of the feeders

Wednesday—A lovely change in the weather. It’s snowing!! Again! Huge flakes. I knew I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning! Yesterday I roasted a chicken, made biscuits and a pineapple upside down cake.

Thursday—Snow, and overcast. Hope you folks are all taking your vitamin D. Rain (a change in the weather) Friday icy, Saturday and rain, watch your step. Saturday evening Snow Again! You don’t need a play by play??

Hey, I’m watching Batman on T.V. It must be the real one! Is it ever hard to write with a cat chewing on the end of the pen, they do try to be helpful. Well the snow has sure settled, all the beautiful marshmallow world is gone! This is Sunday. I’m writing this a whole week of not much news. Last week’s Triangle Club meeting was cancelled due to a storm.

We had coffee in at Queen Street General on Saturday. Sat with Bruce, Bill, and Adam Moggy. The younger fellow was 31 on Friday.

Ross and Susan Ward were away for a couple of weeks. On their way home they stopped for Justin’s show in Windsor (Scottie McCreary Band).

Sympathy to Linda Belton and Raymond Corbiere, read of both of your losses in the last Expositor.

I hate to tell you all, my winning streak is down the tubes again, but I sure enjoyed it while I was up. Out of this weeks games with Mum I’ve lost probably 75 percent of them.

Sunday, Mum wasn’t feeling well, so I’m on my own going to church. Afterwards joined Mary, Rosie, Justin and Quillan at the usual Sunday hangout. Sunday evening Cal and I met up with Gib and Florence at Carol’s and Earl’s, afterwards a cribbage game, the “girls” doing the best at winning!! Even I let Mum win two out of three in the afternoon. Happy Birthday to Robbie and Lyla Chatwell this past week. Special days a few days apart!! On Friday evening Lori and Rick and We, met at Sherry and Dave’s for an evening of fun playing sequence. There is so much interference is this game it’s a wonder we are even speaking to each other at the end of the evening, a great game!

Strange but yesterday, Monday, we saw the first squirrel at Cal’s. The first in more than half a year, and this morning from my bedroom window I saw one jumping from cedar to cedar, across the road. Where have all the small rodents disappeared, chipmunks, too? In that time frame, even mice don’t seem as plentiful, and I’m certain that’s not because my cats are on the job? Speaking of wildlife, Tara said a Mama raccoon and two youngsters were in the apple tree here. Very thin they seemed to be, a hard winter already on small critters. I tell the little fox at Cal’s how lucky he/she is. It’s so cute burying the dog cookies around the yard! Sits outside the window and checks the situation out!

Dorothy was the “big” winner at Bingo last night. I drove Mum across the road just to miss the icy spots. Seems strange driving that short way but… It’s strange, but we are hardly aware of a country called “Bhutan.” After Bingo when chasing the channels I tuned in a country of 700,000, apparently their secret of life is “happy.” Funny, but international dinner on Saturday evening at Anglican Church, Manitowaning that was the country! We didn’t go from here because of the glare icy conditions. Colleen Caselton didn’t go same reason!

Finally got my car’s sticker. Cal took me to get it. Because we went early, he said “oh, we’ll go to Little Current first.” Then when we got there “How does Espanola sound?” “Fine,” I say!

So apologies for no last week news column. It wasn’t that long anyway! This one will have all the additives! We saw lots of Islanders there, Freeman, Burt, Helen, Denise, Rodney and Lynette. Didn’t see Richard and Bev. Came home in the rain!

Finally almost a day without precipitation—at least evening before the snowfall on Tuesday.

Our first Sr. U.C.W. meeting of 2014 was held at Pauline’s home. Her neighbour Barb, a visitor for a while, Audrie, Mum, Lynda, Bev, Lorna. We planned our Valentine Tea, which will be on February 8 at 2 pm. Lots of draws. We had Wayne and Richard join us for the delicious lunch and dessert. After delivering my ladies home, I went to Cal’s. He had roast beef and had grandson Cole visiting. Later on Sherry and Dave dropped in for a visit and cup of tea.

Happy birthday to Eugene Pyette who will celebrate his birthday the last day of this month.

My cats seem to think my only purpose in life, besides feeding, of course, is to stand with the door open saying quick, quick, and they still don’t move. Probably figure outside is called quick!

We were saddened last Sunday to hear of the death of Larry Sayers, a former minister of our three-point charge. His wife Barb predeceased him in September 2013. He passed away on January 8. His funeral was held in Breslau, Ontario on Monday.

Our Fairview annual board meeting will be held on January 26. Potluck following the church service at 11:30 am.

Monday—deadline almost noon, so I’d better get cracking. Can’t believe the beautiful sunshine. So unusual after all of yesterday’s white blessings. We went in to Carol’s and Earl’s for supper last evening. It was quiet there for a change. I missed church in the morning. It was snowing and blowing so hard, I opted out.

Saturday afternoon Mum and I went in to Queen Street General where four other Red Hats, Lydia, Carole, Elizabeth and Helen, were already situated. We had a good spot to listen to Robbie Shawana as he sang country, old favourites, and gospel for two hours. Very enjoyable, quite a few there. Louis and Pinkie sat with us. She said her name was Kim. Nice folks!

Cal is on his way to see Stevie today. He is heading home tomorrow (Halifax way). Ted is back home again and working. He came home to see his mom Eileen, did a heart trick and got a new stent! Eileen is in the hospital in Mindemoya.

Reta was on K.P. duty for the January 16 euchre tournament. First, John and Pat, 72; second, Eva and Donna, 71; third, Harold and Mary, 69; fourth (two sets), Dorothy and Pat and Charlene and Pat, 68; lone hands, Charlene and Pat, 7; low, Betty Jean and Lloyd, 53; door prize, Charlene. Hey, I even got five lone hands which was amazing. It was the “table’s” fault!

Bible Study on Thursday afternoon was so very interesting. It was called the Alpha Course.

Lori and Rick have been curling. Heard they lost their Friday night game.

When speaking to Ruth Stryker on Friday, she said her family wasn’t well, and her oldest son Kenneth had broken his arm.

On Friday evening Sherry, Dave, and Cole came to Cal’s. I’d made turkey soup and had turkey for hot or cold sandwiches. We played Sequence after Cole left and teams came out fairly close I think!

Have a great week!


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