Home Columns Tehkummah Talk and Times Jan 8

Tehkummah Talk and Times Jan 8


A Kleenex box just fell down, I said ‘aah no.’ Right now I’m sitting puffing like a steam engine. Just came in from my chores (Sat Dec 21st). Wading snow to my knees to fill the bird feeders I was telling the little critters they should appreciate me. The chickadees and nuthatches almost land on me, filling two big margarine containers a day right now. They do land on the seedpods above the snow too but at this rate they too will soon be covered. We have cardinals, finches and jays, lots of everything so far. They sure brighten up my life, and the back yard! Poppy is closer to the house and she packs her yard down for me. Cats here on strike, only going out once a day.

Resuming writing second day of the New Year! Cats choosing not to go out these days, -25°C today. Hasn’t it seemed strange it has seemed like two weekends fitted into each week with the holidays falling mid-week? As always I’ve had the greatest time (cats chasing cabin fever). Busy and not busy, if you know what I mean? I’m one year older (actually two days). They all sang happy birthday to me at the Triangle Club New Year’s Eve potluck at the hall. The food was fab, we probably could have eaten for three days and still not put much of a dent in it! Delicious fare, I didn’t even get to taste one sixth of the pots, so to speak! We sat basically with Deanna and Willard, I wished afterward I had gone around the hall and personally wished everyone a happy New Year! There were about fifty there, a few dances afterward, but we were home by eight! For Christmas I got a fifty dollar bill and note to take cribbage lessons??? Well whatever, that resulted in my being on a real run of luck? Wins!! So for my birthday Mum gave me $50 to “not” take crib lessons!! I’ve been getting some mileage out of that! (So far so good). Winning streak! and a lot of laughs.

Wednesday evening Sherry and Dave invited us down for a roast beef dinner and a lovely visit and a few games of Sequence (gals won two of three). My birthday gift from them, two huge cans of wild flower seeds for the roadsides, I’ll be busy come spring, and it can’t come soon enough for me. A beautiful lot of birds to feed in the back yard though these days, every colour and kind.

A nice Happy New Year call from Helen O. Both my families, Clarksburg, ON and Mackenzie, BC. Steve and Gail Martin spent time this past week with his mom and dad here in Tehk. Son William with them, it’s been a while since Gail and William were here, 2 years?

Cal took me shopping to Manitowaning today, January 6th already yet? Cole stayed out at his grandpa’s last night “truck trouble.” We had a few games of Sequence, I think he really enjoyed that. Today can’t get to the bird feed outside (I bought a metal garbage can and have it secured out back), but for one thing my path, which I’d been falling off of when I could see a path, was gone, white and even, and in front of my garbage can of seeds, a five foot drift. So I said to myself “if you go down in that old girl, you’ll be lucky if they find you ‘til spring,” or perhaps this new ice age, chip me out centuries from now? Boy, there’s a real bite to the air today, temperature dropping

It’s been such a busy time, last evening Mum, Susan, Cal and I met at Carol’s and Earl’s for our supper. Bingo tonight perhaps and only third Thursdays winter months for euchre tournament. International dinners start again. Bible study Thursday afternoon 2:30. Last Sunday’s Fairview service was conducted by June McDougall. She brought hubby Rob with her, they were spending time at their cottage. I know there is so much I should be telling you, but I had a noteless holiday?

Martin and Lynda spent the holidays south with their families; I don’t think it felt like south? My grandson Tristan was stranded in Toronto. Jennifer and her hubby, they missed a flight and a day’s visit too (Paul and Cole went to meet them). Glen and Marilyn Moggy had their two kids with them. We met them one day at Queen Street General, son Blake and their daughter Lori, she had flown home from China ( a 13 hour flight) they all looked happy to be together. The Michael’s Bay Christmas Concert was great, a lot of laughter, skits, music: Kaitlyn, Natalie, Bailey, the Smiths, Ben, Cole, Frosty, Santa Claus and Mrs. Santa, Dolly Parton made a special guest appearance. Marilyn Sparam emceed. Running out of page, space and time. Should have been writing throughout the season, but.

Keep away from the flu bugs. Thinking of you Eileen!

God Bless and Happy New Year to all.


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