Home Columns Tehkummah Talk and Times – Dec 11-13

Tehkummah Talk and Times – Dec 11-13

Cards and Notes
She opens up the cards I send
Then puts them right away
Back in the envelopes they came
Or the garbage of the day.
She thinks not of the time I took
To choose the perfect one
‘ere cards of thanks or birthday wish
Or just a note from home.
Now me, I hang my cards around
Or stick them in the frames
Of the doors around my place
To remind me of your names.
The many kind words I receive
Are worth the reading twice
Admiring special thoughts and care
Makes me feel, oh so nice.
And when I have to take them down
I’ll read them all once more
Reminding me of thoughtful folk
Or the family I adore.
“Bless you all!”
– P. Hall
December 5, 2013

Now we know why there are extra Santa Claus around at times. He’s been cloned! That explains everything!

Hey, thank you so much Toronto fans. I’ll have to meet you or do I know you already? Thanks for the Toronto postcard and note. Love you guys! Touches my heart to know you care.

NOTE!—Tehkummah Triangle Seniors’ Club winter euchre schedule: regular, cancelled December 13; January 2014, February and March tournaments as usual, third Thursday of each month. Euchre scores: Men’s high, Harold, 84; men’s lone hands, Harold, 4; men’s low, Lloyd, 61; ladies’ high, Dorothy, 94; ladies’ lone hands, Dorothy, 7; ladies’ low, Sheila, 61. Skunks to Sheila and Barry.

Re: Last week’s news.

Darn it, I just realized I missed the cute Red Hatter’s skit with the Mirror and the Dolly Parton look-a-like. All the different ages and stages. It was so cute. What group was that?

Hello Eileen Pyette. Happy birthday on the 10th. Hello Ron Sheppard. Happy birthday Corrine Gill.

Talking to Joan today (Monday). She was saying Allan McCulligh had spent some time in the hospital.

Tessie St. Jacques recently celebrated a birthday and had lots of family with her (Corrine told me this).

Hello Mamie Ann.

Elaine gave me my Christmas present early—the Johnny Reid Christmas CD. What a lovely gift!

Sympathy to Bev and Richard Lynch and family in the loss of her mom this past week. They are away as I write.

Both Ray and Simon have been suffering with bones. Ray’s sciatic and Simon’s arm.

Carol sing, an annual thing, at the Little Schoolhouse museum on Sunday at 2 pm.

We had the loveliest visit at Lyle and Shirley Pyette’s home, Gib and Florence too. Shirley made a wonderful dinner and choice of lemon or strawberry glazed pie for dessert. The roads were good for driving Saturday and only saw a couple of deer on our way home.

Carole Middaugh phoned this Sunday evening. The Michael’s Bay Society is hosting an “Old Fashioned Christmas” concert on December 21 at 7 pm. Cost: Collection at the door! Santa will be there!

Our United Church is having a Christmas event on December 13. Carols and a lineup of talent. Could be fun. Refreshments.

Peace Sunday—Great service and a full house today. Re-dedication and recognition of all the work that’s been done recently at St. Andrew’s by the Sea. The celebration continued with a potluck luncheon at the museum after. The food was wonderful. Martin had “Happy Birthday” sung to him for the second time in a couple of hours. His birthday was the 7th. I made and decorated a cake before church. There were lots of delish desserts. Thanks workers and cleaner uppers!

The Christmas Fair was a busy event and it seemed a very successful event. They ran out of soup in the kitchen anyway. Everyone was smiling, shoppers and vendors alike. We were set next to Marg Peltier and her beautiful knitting for babies and the library table seemed to do very well. Betty, I think, did well with Derek’s books as did I. Fun visiting anyway and it takes time to look at everything.

A beautiful white world this morning! Tara came in for a coffee after shoveling paths, which look like they’re rapidly filling again.

How can it be 20 years since I/we lost my dear brother Peter McCauley?

How can it be dear brother

Those 20 years have flown?

It’s strange how life keeps moving

While some here so alone.

Think often of the days gone by

When you were with us all

But within our hearts you live on

When memories come to call.

March 29, 1947 to December 10, 1993.


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