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Tehkummah Talk & Times


“No matter how faulty the other person’s memory may be, it improves tremendously when recalling your mistakes.”

Have you noticed that as we get older, the days get longer, but the years get “shorter?” And here am I, once again one year older!

A visit to the Wiky nursing home on Tuesday the 19th saw me visiting with Helen, Joyce H. and Joyce S., Elenora too. Elise played a tune on her harmonica for me. I let Cal beat me at cards on my way home.

I think of Bob Eadie and his song “Storms Never Last.” It’s so easy to be overwhelmed. Some days it’s hard to put one foot ahead of the other, more so now that my bones don’t cooperate. Weather, like life, is so unpredictable and changeable. Sometimes circumstances smack us, with very little warning. Perhaps just to see what we are really made of? Thank God and pray that all storms that come our way in 2018 are just squalls, mini squalls! Sympathy this past week to John McLennan and his family in the loss of his partner Jean (Mum and grandmother). I did go up to Little Current, Island Funeral Home for her memorial tribute. The new Little Current minister’s Life Dance was so fitting. I visited a little with family (some I hadn’t seen in a long time!) Also had a little visit with Joan and Gus. Cal was in for a coffee just before I left to go up.

December 23, I just found my kitchen table. Hope I can keep from losing it for at least a week.

Partridge tracks, lots; deer tracks, lots in my yard after the bird seed!

Didn’t make the table week thing! Lost immediately!

Derek and Jodi came in today, the 29th. They had been to Ottawa for a school concert (in French) for grandkids Desmond and Declan.  Christmas and yesterday to Elliot Lake to visit Don and Betty King, her parents. Celebrating Christmas, I was invited to supper next door last night for ham and scalloped potatoes, good. I say night, tongue in cheek, it’s dark so early. Are the days stretching yet? Got a lovely call from cousin Lenore Rosgen in Drumheller today. She is uncle Bert’s daughter, and we met her at our family reunion in 2003. We didn’t know we even had another cousin till then.

I’m still going through cards, etc. Our Christmas was as always, breakfast and gifts at the neighbours, then supper at Sherry and Dave’s, Tiki afterwards. My trap line is working good, got three mice and a rat over the holidays.

Well, another birthday, “another day older and deeper in debt!”

“Old age is like everything else; to make a success of it you have to start younger!”

“Aging, I guess, isn’t all that bad. Think of the pain we’d endure if wrinkles hurt!”

New Year’s Day, eleven of our family sitting around playing Tiki after a most delicious “family time” and supper. Dave didn’t play, and Lori and Rick had gone home. They were in St. Catharines area over Christmas visiting Linda and family as well as their son Jase.

The Christmas birthday gift thing for me was over the top again; cards, too. Thanks so much everyone.

I spent a couple of nights at the B and B at Case’s Corners, even got morning coffee in bed. Lots of Tiki games and cribbage, too. Kim and Kathy had arrived on Saturday. It was so great to be with my whole family once again. The emotional opening of “one” of the boxes of treasures (some returns) from Mum’s stuff. All the kids and grand-kids got a box of things! 20? Plus?

The New Year’s dance was fun and the music was great. I danced a couple. The bones kept me awake until 4. The alternative to old bones isn’t recommended either, so I really should quit “complaining” about it! Nice to see everyone having fun. The midnight feast was great. Thanks all.

Ken and Kathy brought me home on their way back to Clarksburg. Derek and Jodi were going to Ottawa to see the grands again, flying out Thursday. Sherry and Dave heading to Sudbury; Dave is getting his other eye done Thursday. Came through it well.

Bid euchre on Thursday afternoon, fourteen players: first, Sheila, 195; second, Pat Novak, 190; third, Graham, 170; low ?; door, Hank.

Called Kim and Kathy. They had a cold house, a good trip home. He took a cold with him. I surprised Marilyn Moggy, Little Current with a phone call. Joan (cousin) called me this morning. She had a bug too! A few going around I hear.

Betty and Eric Russell had all their family together over the holidays.

“Friends make every burden lighter and every triumph sweeter.”

Just heard this evening that George Pennie passed away; my sympathy to Vivian and the family.

Boy, the house is cracking tonight with the frost! (Friday)

Saturday, just tried to keep from freezing. Eileen Leeson called me, and told me that Ted Size had passed away. Sympathy and prayers to the family. He was in Florida.

The oil furnace froze up at the church, so today it was at the Community Hall. The message was all on following the light. Martin also serenaded us and played his guitar.  That was so great, a nice lot of attendees despite the storm. As it seems like much of this news is old, it is quite some time since I was heard from. So have a happy, healthy, and successful 2018.


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