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Tehkummah Talk & Times


Lorna and Robert’s holiday spirit welcomed us into their home once again for the annual Christmas feast. Our U.C.W. is growing smaller, we have lost both Mum and Reta this past year. Audrie stayed home, and Bev was having eye problems. So, just Lynda, Martin, Noreen, Reg, Pauline, Wayne, Joan and I. Potluck style, enough delicious food for twice as many. We never did get to an actual meeting, just  the gift and card exchange after a leisurely meal and much conversation. Thanks so much for the hospitality and all the preparation and decoration! Just great, just beautiful. I took my leftover meat dish down to Cal’s, fed him supper.

Six tables today at cribbage. We do have a lot of fun and good cooking too: high hand, Simon, 24, a tie for first place; Graham and Sheila, Laura and Patrysha, 950; third, Cal and I, 936; low, Doris and Vi, 831; door, Graham Florence and Ruth McDonald.

Time is not measured

By the years that you live

But by the deeds that you do

And the joy that you give

– Helen Steiner Rice

Birthday wishes to Cal Pyette, December 1; Janet Knechtal, 2; Kathy Hill, November.

I’ve been doing some singing! Do you know the words of some of the cowboy songs are different than now, Mum’s Cowboy songbook from 1937. Then some songs we sang for Manitowaning’s Canada 125 celebration in 1992. The sisters are finding some interesting stuff as they clean a hundred years of memories and keepsakes. I guess I inherited it honestly. But it does make one think?

Thursday afternoon 4.5 tables for Bid Euchre: Patrysha, first, 252; Glenn, second, 257; Lyla, third, 250; low, Myrna, 17?; door, Hugh.

Hey, I can see clearly now the fog is gone! It’s amazing.

I must have an exceptionally sad face and attitude, people buy me stuff and give me things, thank you all so very much! Framed poem (my own), lunch, and nice new Skecher shoes, and this is just Tuesday! June and Rob McDougall are babysitting a cute black Pekinese. They have colds/ coughs (not the dog) hard to shake.

Hey, I forgot about the Sketches of Manitoulin cards too, thanks.

Good to see Fran and Joe on Saturday at the hall.

Friday too, I was in at Julia and Wayne’s mid-town abode, and met their cat family. They’ve got a nice cozy place (both). Everybody is getting ready for Christmas (but me)?

Coming up South Baymouth’s Little School House Museum is having a Carol Sing next Sunday 1 pm to 3 pm. Food goodies, refreshments and some lovely draws, ya’ll come now.

I have been reading and reading books and booklets of inspirational works and poetry. Most of it came back to me, things I had given to Mum over the years, so far, the oldest read is from 1971, can’t wait to see what the girls put in the box and bag?

This poem was in one, Mum may have written it!

There’s a time to get and a time to give

And a time to throw away.

There’s a time to do a kindly deed

And that time is today.

There’s a time to sing and a time to mourn

A time for joy and sorrow.

There’s a time to love

But the time to hate, may better be tomorrow.

There’s a time to sleep

And a time to wake.

A time to work and play

But the time to speak an evil thought

Passed by yesterday.

I took Cal to Grill and Chill for his birthday lunch, so he’d be free if he got another invitation for supper with “birthday cake” even! I went for a ride with him out to Finns, until now, never knew where it was situated. I guess the fuel is much cheaper there.

At the laundromat, he killed time until his doctor’s appointment.

Pauline and Susan were yard saling (inside) some of Mum’s belongings, and she belonged to a lot of stuff!

Saturday too, took advantage of the Christmas Fair across the road and they sold some more things. It was good to see Helen there with Bertha and Eileen. Lots of vendors, fairly busy. They ran out of soup by noon, I hear.

I took the girls out for supper as they have been so busy at Mums apartment. Keeping things organized, husbands too. Keeping the home fires, and all that. Carol is looking good, but has to rest for a bit. They had a big lot of folk celebrating in the big room.

How can days be so busy, long, and yet I accomplished nothing (much)? Started my day with a sea salt bath. Soon I checked in at the family yard sale going again today (Sunday). Sisters back and busy. Over to the Hall breakfast with Santa who had to put up with mostly “old” kids.

The breakfast was good, I sat with Cal, Lloyd and Lois, Sherry and Dave. Soon time for church. Communion Sunday at St. Andrews By the Sea.

Lorrie treated me to my coffee.

When I did get home, I moved a couple of flower pots, brush etc. outside but my bones wouldn’t let me finish the job. Cal calls. Soon were at Carol’s and Earls for supper. We sat with Tara, Ray, and Skylar. Soon back at Cal’s. Gib and Florence came for cards. The girls were best tonight! I called Kim as there was a message just checking on me. Jean Livingston, sorry I missed your calls, but I don’t have your number.

Hey, at least I’ve slept more than two hours in a row. Do they come in rows?

Robbie’s doing a fundraiser for the food bank (I think) this weekend!


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