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Tehkummah Talk & Times


What could be a better passtime than cloud watching or sky watching? Billowing grey, pillowing white and cream with pink and blue accents. I stopped at the little swimming beach at South Baymouth and got double with the gorgeous reflection. South Baymouth had its streets rolled up at 7 anyway. Can’t believe the season is gone, when I can’t recall it ever getting here, though we did watch the late ferry much this year. Last night saw the last late one, a bit more traffic than usual going back.

Cal and I helped celebrate Tara and Ray’s 13th wedding anniversary. Marg prepared the dinner, and mid-cooking had to take it to Sherry’s to cook when hydro interrupted our power service. That darn thunder storm. Just Sherry, Dave and Skylar too, roast turkey dinner, sure was good!

Marg is gone home to Elliot Lake today (Tuesday) and Mum has beat me 4 games, skunked me by 1 point, and I won one today!

Mum’s lemon pie, well it looked like it, when I was playing cards with her. I brought it to her attention. Well, it was in a glass pie plate, it was a corncob with crumpled serviettes on top that sure looked like meringue and good enough to eat. (She asked if I wanted some!)

Tuesday morning got a phone call from Irwin and Orpha Duxbury who are celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary on the 11th. They have already had a party at the Legion in Espanola. This is a tea at their residence. Congratulations, folks. Irwin and his boys actually built half?? of Tehkummah.

This week is Jacob’s birthday and Tory’s.

Cribbage Wednesday afternoon: high hand, Cal and Dorothy C, 24; first, Ted and Ruth McD, 953; second, Barb L and Heather, 947; third, Ruth and Bill McG, 936; low, Marg and Buck, 848; door, Barb, Dorothy A, Lina. Lori and Rick received their 968 card framed, from quite some time ago, the perfect game score. Thank you for the lunch goodies, all.

After a nap, I took in the Sandfield Euchre: ladies high, Marion H, 77; lone hands, Melissa, 3; low, Florence; men’s high, Raymond, 76; lone hands, Dave M, 3; low, Sandra; draw, Shirley Nelder. Good lunch, Melissa and Sheila?

Mum looks all-beautiful tonight. She got her hair done today, and tomorrow, Friday, she’s off to Sudbury with Susan for a needle in the eye again.

Cal stopped by for lunch, good timing, since I don’t usually eat on schedule?

Bid euchre results, 6 tables: high score, Glen Knechtal, 260; tied, Dave Nelder and Pat Ball, 238; fourth, Janet Knechtal, 209; low, Joshua, he won a planter, as well; door prize, Glenn; Bev and Richard on K.P. duty, good lunch.

Jeff and Brooke were in to visit Mum on Monday, heading home again. Brooke spent the week with Grammy (Susan), took in some riding, too, at Honora Bay.

Cal and his brother Lyle went to Sudbury Friday, doctor appointment for Cal.

I took in the market. Do I seem special to you? I was gifted a lovely pair of earrings, thanks so much, and later in the day at South Baymouth a magnetic bracelet. Thank you very much. This evening as Cal and I drove home from Mindemoya we saw the mist, amazing egg shaped moon, black clouds with orange streaks through them. We do live in a breathtaking world! By the way, Gib and Cal won most of the cribbage games, just not our night. Today, chatting with Vivian Pennie in town (Manitowaning); she’s always got a smile. Hello George! She said they had Ren’s daughter Lisa and hubby visit them after how so many years?

The water in the bay is black looking, could be clouds reflected. The hummingbirds have cleared out. Hope those storms and winds haven’t been too much for them. A little flycatcher outside my bedroom window was unrolling lilac leaves and finding delicious snacks I’m sure. How interesting to watch it.

He brought me home by the scenic route, though in the dark moon and shadows a deer like a statue (thank goodness) and in the middle of the road, small raccoon. It hurried!

I had the most amazing day, and besides that this day was the most summery (we might get it yet). Cal and I drove down and had a visit with Sherry after supper. Earlier after church, I took in the “Heritage Day” at the Little Schoolhouse Museum. Going through some of the binders/photos on display. Sat in the sun and had a good burger and all the extras provided by SBDCA. Sat on the bench and watched the ferry sail out on very smooth waters with lots of diamonds dancing. All summer I have been wanting to walk the boardwalk, and out to Bernard’s little gazebo and the little bridge and lookout near the lighthouse, perfect day for it. I/we noted the exceptionally clear bottom in the harbour. Shouldn’t there be some plant life/ growth? Saw two small fish, one about 2 1/2” long and one smaller. Shouldn’t there be lots of small stuff/frogs? Did see a mink and a crane/heron, first heron I’ve seen this year. They are scarce anymore. This small boat was docking; they had been to Tobermory. Found out it was Skylar’s teacher Rebecca Batman and her one year old Elly, I think? Did I remember? And Brian Mc or O’Neil? Seemed to be quite a trip, but they couldn’t have had a more perfect day for it. It is always good to visit, did lots today.

Saturday I took in the Mindemoya market in the morning. Lori was the entertainer of the day. It is a large market, lots of vendors, crafty folk, and creative. Nice to visit too. Came home with goodies from niece Mary McGauley and Jan McQuay’s new calendar. I had my favourite chicken burger at the Chill and Grill, a pretty new waitress there. I was going to go to Manitowaning’s Fair, but visited at Mum’s with her and Pauline, and time ran out. I can’t keep up anymore.


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