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Tehkummah Talk & Times


Walked through Joan’s garden with her on Monday and we had a little visit and a cup of tea with a piece of Bordie’s birthday cake (from Wednesday). Tuesday morning got a phone call from Pat Falter; she’s back at her campground home!

Boy my bones are spasming today. The weather sure gets me, I had a long sea salt soak too.

I have a money plant as tall as I am in the back yard this spring. The lilacs are lovely, the tulips were gorgeous and were exceptional. Mary O’Neil has a spring garden.

Bob and Valerie Brill are at their Windfall Lake home (got their garden in too). Somewhere under the rainbow, double actually, at break time at bingo everyone (almost) was out on the step admiring. Dorothy got one (and Lori the other) I think Dorothy had the “Pot.” Linda McGillis celebrated a birthday this past week. I saw her in the store but she never mentioned it. A little bird told me!

Last week was busy, this week busier. I wasn’t going to write more columns as it seemed a comedy of errors last edition but I’m a beggar for punishment, so here I am again.

I forgot to mention last week that I had been to Garden Shed with Pat Falter for breakfast on Thursday the 9th, a nice visit too.

This week went with Cal for breakky, and Mum for lunch, different days. Every day there were big doins, it seems. Tuesday, to the laundromat, Grill and Chill for supper after.

Tonight we went to Barney’s. I guess he just opened, first of July daily he says. Food was good! A couple, three actually, games of cards, I came home thrice defeated. Mum skunked Susan; a 24 hand did the trick. I could hear the yelling outside!

Hey, I saw a King Fisher at the Blue Jay and the pink lady slippers are in bloom, short stems this year!

John took Helen and Susan over to Sudbury on Wednesday for their eye checkups! They are doing fine. Well, do you recall my concern about the butterflies? Well, four floating around today. They are on the Manitoba lilac (now in bloom).

Twelve tables for euchre tournament on Thursday evening, Lorna and Rita on lunch duty: Brad and Bill, 80; Pat and Blaine, 77; Don and Dennis, 76; Tied with 75, Pauline and Wayne and Donna and Eila, lone hands won on the cut; Pat and Blaine, 6; with Donna and Eila, Brad and Bill, Sharlene and Janice, Wayne and Pauline; low, Sandra and Anne, 45; door prize, Bill Case.

Thursday afternoon in Mindemoya I met with June and Lynda at the little coffee shop (good coffee too) for a mini meeting concerning our church, and of course the church anniversary “120” and visit?

Isn’t it funny how you don’t see someone for ages and then twice in two days? Donna DenEnglesman at eating establishments, of course. For that is where I see everyone to visit! Saturday evening at Island Fish and Chips too, we shared a table space with Heather and Evan. He works in Sudbury, nice to visit.

Saturday was a very upsetting day and sad for our newly met Amish folk when an accident happened on Fossil Hill. Found Ken Albrecht in the hospital and two beautiful horses killed. There were lots of kind folk directing traffic. I only saw the totally destroyed wagon and one horse lying dead on the side of the hill. I cried all the way to Manitowaning, not knowing till later in the day of the who, or the extent of the injured. I had to play cards with Mum later to get it out of my mind. She beat me three straight too. I did not sleep that well last night (I’ve just gotten back to sleeping well again.) Cal and I drove down Lakeshore then the long walk to Rogers Crick (Creek). Cole and Alicia followed us! Somebody’s keeping the grass cut there. Lots of goose fertilizer. We went on to Sherry and Dave’s, her gardens are blooming beautifully right now. Dave has been too busy. He went and bought a clothes line “hole” this week.

We had a couple of games of cribbage. Tara and I as partners, Dave finished for her, but the opposition won this time!

Friday I went to Barney’s and paid Lynette for my flowerpots. Then went to South Baymouth in the pouring rain. Waited for the 8:00 ferry. Ha! It’s on the new schedule, it must mean summer is here! My tomato plant from my window was so long I’ve got 5 tomato cages over it! Don’t laugh they will grow! It’s no wonder folk think I’m strange! Scotch too?

Wednesday’s cribbage, 7 and a half tables: high hand, Dorothy Cronk, 24; first, Doris and Sandra, 962; second, Dorothy and Marg Case, 933 tied Graham and Sheila, 933; low, Gib and Florence, 827; door, Sheila, Mary, Doris. Stop in at “Thistle Do Nicely,” a lovely little shop in South Baymouth near the harbor. Local artists and crafts persons, Canadian made products (smells wonderful in there), friendly Judy and Rick, congratulations and good luck! Judy painted the sign, and it’s lovely!

Another busy day, 11 pm before I got home from the Down Yonder show at the hall. Some great entertainers, Bonita, Robbie, Harold, Jim. The regular crew, Ben, Doug, Tim, Marcelle, Jeff, Debbie and the honoree into the Hall of Fame, Eugene Manitowabi. Prior to the show a Father’s Day supper at Tara and Ray’s, Jacob, Skylar, Sherry, Dave, Cal and I. Cherry cheesecake dessert, yum. “Happy Father’s Day.”

I let Mum beat me once at cards in the afternoon!

Lunch at Carol’s and Earl’s with Bordie, Joan and June. June’s sermon on the spirituality of the hummingbird, and what a marvelous creation they are. What they do is aerodynamically impossible, yet? Our Creator created them.

Tonight I met a lovely smiling lady called Carolyn Feasey (did I get it right?) from Loon Island (off of 10 Mile Point.) Do they jump/parasail/parachute? Now I’m curious? She reads/ enjoys my columns.

I can’t believe it’s strawberry social time already. Saturday, June 24 at 7 pm at the Tehkummah Hall. You are invited to the Tehkummah Hall on Sunday, June 25 for our Sunday Church service at 11:30 am and pot luck afterwards. There will be special music and entertainment. Everyone welcome, come and bring a friend too!


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