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Tehkummah Talk & Times


On one of my drives a week ago, I counted 125 deer in total from South Baymouth to Snake Trail 103, the rest in McNaughton’s fields. There probably were close to 50 in McNaughton’s on Sunday afternoon too. The March weather has been fairly kind to them, except for the cold. At least they can graze.

We had six tables for cribbage on Wednesday afternoon, always a good time and good snacks, thanks to all who contributed. Good to see Bert and Joy back. He had a short hospital stay, and we have a new cribbage player in training too. High hand, Dorothy A, 21; first, Dorothy A and Jessie, 958; second, Joy and Bert, 942; third, Graham and Sheila, 930; low, Gib and Florence, 836; door, Gib, Clayton and Florence.

For St. Paddy’s Day, Pat Norton donated a couple of shamrock plants, won by Dorothy Allard and Joy. Our Dorothy was away getting her back worked on on Wednesday; she’s hurting.

Happy Birthday, Don Norton. Happy 14th anniversary on Wednesday the 15th to Pat and Don.

Laurene and I went to Mindemoya euchre on Thursday afternoon; she was a winner. I’m not going to talk about me! It was nice to visit new faces. It’s been a few years since I was there for euchre.

Jeneen and Reuben on K.P. duty again for Tehkummah euchre tournament: high number winners: Dorothy A and Ken, 97; 11 lone hands; second, John and Pat Novak, 82; third, Ted and Dorothy, 76; fourth, Donna and Pat, 67; low, Bill and Betty Jean, 46. They beat Cal and I by one for the chocolate bar; door, Donna Vanhorn.

Happy Birthday, Dave Case, on the 23rd.

From “Hope Happens,” “Be realistic, expect a miracle” and we got one, bless you all!

Joke of the week: I just got a phone call about my computer. I guess it’s not working right! Now if I can only learn how to turn it on. When I find it? Telemarketers!

Cal popped in, usually long enough to have a coffee. I was just getting ready to go to the laundromat. Met a nice lady there, a Mrs. Maloney and Diane, a nice neighbour I hadn’t seen for a while. I stopped at Grill and Chill, said hi to Regan and Sierra, Jackie and Gill actually.

Watch out not so much for the deer these days, as the deer watchers (me for one) counted 45 on the Providence Bay road home; 75 from South Baymouth to Brown’s; and 78 from there home, not a bad day’s drive. I must warn you, though, most of you folk are driving too fast for this time of year. The poor deer aren’t moving fast and yet pop up/out in the strangest places. I also saw one partridge and three raccoons. I shopped around for a place to visit, ended up at Sherry and Dave’s. We played a few games of Sequence, to the fence one’s a draw.

I love the Women’s World magazine. There is so much I can learn about myself in it. Procrastinators are three times more likely to suffer insomnia, and finally the diagnosis: the problem is, no cure!

Three ice fallers, lucky they weren’t head crackers: Ross, my sister Susan, and Cal this week.

I went to Espanola on Saturday, first time since before Christmas, just for the ride more or less! Nice drive. We had a bite to eat at Rusty’s. Saw only three deer on LaCloche going over, and three coming back, and even one walking tentatively across the ice. Remember how many their used to be sighted there?

I made some vegetarian chili after I got home and a meat dish.

Beautiful sunrise Sunday.

Marilyn and Yves were helping Jean celebrate her birthday at Carol’s and Earl’s Sunday evening. Colleen Cousin, thanks for the memories! We were married in March 1954.

Here am I, in bed on a Sunday evening, a very busy and delicious day weather-wise and food-wise. We were more than pleased with the turnout and church service at the Tehkummah Hall. Some of our music couldn’t make it due to illness. The darn cold for Lori and Jacob developed strep throat. So get well, you ailing folk. The food for our potluck was fabulous, as always, and perfectly balanced as always. Could probably have fed another couple dozen or so very easily.

Pat’s piano music was terrific though she said she felt far removed, and our musicians Gord Grenough, Lyle Dewar, and Martin did as always a wonderful job. During the actual church service, Debbie Robinson sang a couple of anthems, Pauline and I did one, missing Mum from our trio. I read a couple of my newest poems, fresh off the pen. When I was talking to Mary O’Neil after I was telling her my wrists ached and probably less than an hour later she came up and gave me wrist covers, and by golly those freshly crocheted items work like a charm, and they are warm.

I must thank the helper and clean-up crew, too, at the hall; all the help is greatly appreciated.

Anita, Alicia and Sammy were visiting Pauline and Wayne, and Audrey’s recognition of five generations got applause. Thanks, Lynda and Skylar for all your help and Martin, too, for carrying stuff to my car after. Rita Vanhorn came back to the hall before we were done and told us she had received word of Delbert’s death. Much sympathy to all the family. Delbert was a much loved cribbage player, usually Audrey’s partner, if Marilyn wasn’t here, and a next door neighbour of mine as half their growing up years were in downtown Tehkummah. We are all going to miss him and his cheery humour.

Cal and I went to Carol’s and Earl’s for supper, quite a few deer, can’t count when he drives. Down to Sherry’s and Dave’s, visit and Sequence. They beat Cal and me, lots of laughs.

A walk down the forest (ha) path (mine). The snowdrops are going to be very small this year. Yay. Sat on the bench in the sun Tuesday afternoon, our Sr. U.C.W. group met at the home of Rita Vanhorn. Her new apartment is roomy and cozy. As always, we had a great time together. She had a good lunch and a green jello poke cake in honour of St. Patrick, and everyone there was wearing green.

Bev was our auctioneer for a sale that raised a few bucks for the cause, and netted some of us a healthy week!

Monday morning, trimmed my Valentine Carnations, still blooms and buds, and this week my “80” helium balloon left the ceiling. Most things don’t last that long.


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