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Tehkummah Talk and Times


Talking to Lydia this Wednesday morning. She was updating me on the Red Hats. She had been down and out for a month.

Susan just popped in with some of Mum’s butter tarts she’d made today for cribbage. It’s an ill wind, and all that! Susan said the roads were awful and dangerous.

Re. Lydia with pneumonia. She’s going to visit her Grand-twins soon. They’re five, for gosh sakes, already, loosing teeth and school age!

Well, wrote cards and envelopes and already I have an extra addressed envelope, don’t know? Where the heck? I set the card down. I drive me nuts?

Last week the Red Hats “Southern Belles” went to Green Acres for lunch (March 31). There was Lydia, Betty, Laura, Helen, Joan, and Carol.

Mum was getting her perm that day, and I was under the weather. (So to speak). Speaking of hair, or not, the past couple of days you could say I’ve been shedding, I’ve always wanted to be a redhead, perhaps I’ll get my chance.

What a big snowplow ridge on the roadsides. I guess it’s coming down! I’ve gone back to bed, cold knees, no TV, have to read or write or do puzzles? Ahhh… cat just laid on my cold knees; that should be better than a hot water bottle!!

Hey, its 10:30ish, I just looked outside. My birch tree has drooped heavily in its white dress, and touches the ground. I see broken branches underneath it and it is still snowing! (Wednesday eve) I microwaved my piece of pizza to the rubber stage! It was so good and crispy at supper! Darn!

Barb (Flaherty) dropped in bearing gifts (love the book) and card, a nice little visit.

Thursday evening I grabbed chunks of hair and started cutting. I have a kind of shaggy dog look right now. They say three days between a good haircut and a bad. I’m gonna try to prove it right!?

Saturday evening 9pm. I’m in bed already, just came home from Skylar’s birthday party next door. Gramma Marg (Reckahm) came down from Elliot Lake on Friday. Gramma Sherry and Grampa Dave, Gramma Marion and Doug. Cal and I, and the family, of course. Jacob was taking a hunting course at Wiky today. Gramma Jean declined as always; all had a great time. Delicious venison roast and all the great food that goes with that, and a birthday cake with 10 candles, and ice cream! This lucky girl got lots of great gifts. Mostly artistic type. She is a good artist already. Margaret brought me a cherry pie this afternoon, and I did sample it, delish! Brian gave it the taste test to see if it passed inspection (it did!) Cal and I took a ride to town this morning; last evening we had our supper at Carol and Earl’s. Manitoulin Maggie was there. She and her sister Sallie Miller were going to stop and feed the wild goose on the nest on their way home. Hopefully she keeps the eggs warm enough surrounded by snow. The mate was sitting right next to her, they had a tiny plot bared off. Good to see Maggie.

Well, here it is Sunday evening, and I’ve got to get myself organized tonight as Sherry and I have a Sudbury trip tomorrow. I did a lot of sitting today but I was organizing some papers and poetry etc. Had a ginger cat on me a lot, so it was a bit difficult. Mary O was in canvassing for the Cancer Society. Walking through the snowstorm. I called K and K earlier, they both sounded good! I wrote a few cards. Get well to Linda (B), Elaine (W) and Maureen Arnold. Hopefully doing well since the surgery.

Got a phone call today from Joan. I haven’t seen her in person yet and she’s been home a week now. The snow keeps us all at a disadvantage.

Jacob came in and helped me one evening; I hope I don’t wear out first, as I’d like to get things turned around, and maybe?? Tidy, everything’s an effort!

The next trivia night is at Tehkummah on April 22nd, 7:00 (I think). April 15th, 1969 my dad, Pete McCauley, passed away, I recently wrote a poem about his gardens.


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