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Tehkummah Talk and Times


When I got back to my room on Monday, rolled up my blind to my viewing panorama, I remembered and was going to bring my binoculars this week. Oh well, maybe next. Just as we got through the door Judy Long was ready to “Ring the Bell.” She introduced me to many family remembers. (Did they bring a bus?) Definitely a large van! Many Lodge members cheering her on and wishing her well!

Pauline and Wayne brought me over. We lunched at McDonalds. A nice day for a drive. They were going back to Espanola to shop! As I’m writing this up it’s time to head for today’s appointment.

Diane gave me some (more) blueberries. Well, had to drink more water; it’s quite annoying. I felt full but they read the whatever, get you off the table send you back to the waiting room with a glass of water, and you pray that the next time is OK, it was!

Ross and Susan Ward spent a couple/few days away at a car show in Wisconsin. Marty O and Susan H store tenders!

I brought four roses with me; they are on the front desk, so everyone can enjoy them. Speaking of roses, I tore one apart! Pedal by pedal, a gorgeous red rose, in one and 3/4 minutes. Our lesson was the time it takes to destroy a reputation, or hurt someone by gossip. June McDougall (our minister). It hurt me to tear the rose apart one petal at a time! Very painful, our sermon on friendship!! Tuesday, I have a beautiful crocheted afghan I won today at bingo, and a couple of bells to add to my collection. Met two nice ladies, Dot from Ottawa and Heidi. My early appointment introduced me to internal radiation?

This evening I’m cracking pea pods and I’m admiring the cloud formations from my window. Hey one pod had eleven peas in it. Pauline and Wayne’s garden stuff! Just came up from downstairs, kitchen area where music, a band called “Girls’ Night Out” a charity band, free. Only half were there due to broken ankle, broken tooth, etc. etc. Jacqueline Rivet guitar, harmonica and vocals. Moe Debriel, bass guitar, and vocals. Debbie Delvecchio, guitar and vocals. They sang C&W, oldies rock, and blues. They are good! Rick, Linda, Ed and Joanne, the rest of the band. They call themselves “The Daffy Boys.” Wednesday evening in our kitchen here. Some of the same guys that were in the “Country Classic” band. The same only different I guess. Vern joined them and did a few songs too.

Happy belated wedding anniversary to Pauline and Wayne, July 14, 56 years. Anna and Hart same date, 54 years. John and Kathy, July 15 and Judy and Bob, July 14.

I came home on Friday with Paula. She’s spending the weekend with her mom, Susan, and Simon. I was home by three or so. I went to Carol’s and Earl’s with Ray, Tara, and Skylar for our supper. They were busy, no Ginger cat. I was really worried today. I walked the roadsides and I checked the garage to see if she had got locked in. With the neighbours gone to work I couldn’t find out if they had seen her through the week. A relief tonight when I got home she was here and just as happy to see me!

My day started with a before 8am call from Cal. We went to breakfast at Carol’s and Earl’s. Then to Manitowaning, admired #17 on the art tour. Met Mike Erskine said hello, he bought the art that I greatly admired! (Wax and Gold Leaf). We watched the parade. It was very good and quite long. Lots of familiar folk. Gave a hug too to niece Debbie and Alexis. We had a stop at The General, sat with Wayne and Donnie there, and visited. Checked out Gary’s yard sale, drugstore, I even won (not big) on a scratch ticket! Years ago Mum won a Valentine’s poetry contest and never claimed her prize. This year Sis Pauline won so Saturday evening I lucked out as Mum and I went with Pauline and Wayne to the School House Restaurant. First time I had ever been there. So much to look at, lovely antiques and photos and more. A most delicious steak dinner for three of us, and a rack of lamb as well as strawberry shortcake dessert. We went to Susan and Simon’s after and all of us (Paula too) played Tiki (hey I won too!) Always fun there. Earlier we enjoyed watching Dancer (little horse), Beauty (big horse), Bonnie and Clyde (the goats) in the back yard.

Cribbage, 7 tables: high hand, Edgar, Glenn, Keith, Bert times 2; first, Edgar and Rita, 953; second, Doris and Sandra, 942; third, Keith and Lloyd, 941; low, Graham and Sheila, 838; door, Joy, Hartburg and Annaleise.

Thursday euchre: men’s high, John (Novak), 84; lone hands, Rick, 4; men’s low, Kelly, 53; ladies’ high, Mary (Case), 2; ladies’ low, Florence, 45; and door, Laurene.

On Friday morning I met Judy and her daughter Bobby Lynn at the Cancer Centre. I was on my way to my treatment and they were going to check on her hubby, Bob Blue, who is taking some therapy.

The cardinal had come closer to warble his/her morning salute, now he’s saucing us from the feeder as Cleo and Marble are sharing my space here in the morning sun. The little wren is making herself known while in the distance the robin and the sandhills are filling in the background music. I just said oh my gosh as I noted the naked honeysuckle tree at the end of my hideaway. It’s been totally demolished by some kind of hungry bug/worm. I’ll have to take a closer look quite a show this A.M. from one of earlier day lilies (apricot colour).

Cal told me that he and Cole were out in the night last week pulling porcupine quills out of their dog, Jackson, only 6 but they, the dog was lucky. I sprinkled a little sugar for the ants and a couple of flies are enjoying the snack as well. Sis Susan met “toad” on Friday when she brought my mail in and a couple of good butter tarts from the market!!


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