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Tehkummah Talk and Times


Laurence is in to visit and bearing gifts, gumdrop cake and tarts!

Should be yummy! (She took my news on.) A nice day, I hear the Orioles are here has anyone seen a hummingbird yet? I’m hooked up to I.V. this morning, Jennifer is my nurse today.

Got more lovely cards and gifts in the mail, there is no end to the kindness and thoughtfulness of folk. Derek Russell sent me his newest book on Michael’s Bay. How thoughtful, Eric brought it in, through the raindrops. Very welcome rain!

Two weeks ago I did send a column in but it never got printed, so I hope I didn’t miss mentioning something pertinent!

Hello Ivan Harwood. How are you keeping?

Laurence popped in for a visit, and Pat Falter, bearing gifts (a plant) on her way to her summer spot in Prov. Jean Case came in bringing my supper, so nice. She was traveling with Judy. An update: We got word that Derek had a heart attack, a morning shocker.

I visited Susan and Simon in the evening, had a cup of tea with her. Wednesday A.M. hooked up to IV again, hopefully this stuff gets me going. Maybe it’s just that I’m “OLD” that things aren’t working right? Impossible?

Joan was in for a visit; Jennifer unhooked me so I was free again. I hear the hummingbirds are here today. Tara and Skylar are cleaning the pond today. They found a couple small fish.

Wednesday evening we went to the Pot Luck Style Supper in Manitowaning. I’m sure they were disappointed at the turn out. An absolutely delicious meal of great variety.

On our way home, Gib and Florence stopped at Cal’s for a visit, then they gave me a ride home from there. This has been a week of contrasts; Derek had two stints put in on Wednesday evening in Vancouver Hospital. Susan with her phone and iPad (I think) showed me pictures and contacted Derek.

Maybe I should have got a bit of education in the social media stuff? Thank goodness that worry is past us right now.

Derek and Jodi phoned, so good to hear their voices, Thursday evening at 11. He thinks he’ll get out of hospital tomorrow. I cried after I hung the phone up!

Well isn’t my little toad at my feet tonight, I wonder where he spends the winter? Don’t I have the strangest house? Household? Attitude? Weird?

Wednesday cribbage, seven tables. High hand, 24, Marg Case and Bob Smith (2); 1st, Bert and Jay, 945; 2nd, Keith and Barb, 929; 3rd, Mary and Jean, 923; low, Hugh and Lyla, 852; door, Bert, Gib and Lois.

Euchre; men’s high, Andy Bowerman, 95; lone hands, Andy, 4; low, Hugh Corbett, 48; ladies’ high, Sheila; ladies’ lone hands, Marg Case, 3; ladies’ low, Marilyn Vanhorn, 50; door, Marilyn Vanhorne.

Nice to hear Del and Marilyn are back again! Amazing colour at the bird feeder this Saturday morning, cardinal, rose breasted grosbeak, indigo bunting, goldfinch, red-wingged blackbird, doves, purple finch, and many small birds. God has quite the world for us to enjoy.

Though I did not enjoy my night coming and going, you’d wonder how a body could hold so much fluid? Lucky I could RUN! I’ve had Daystars Reflection on TV; the music is comforting, even if I don’t read the nice scripture headings.

Susan took me for blood work on Thursday. We picked up Mum, and went to Garden Shed for our breakfast. Talked to Dick Bowerman at Mindemoya, and he said Eunice pinched her finger, three stitches worth!

I have this glorious window full of germaniums. I’ve been wondering why I haven’t always kept them. It’s been years. But this cold snowy day, aren’t the hummingbirds trying to get to them from outside. They don’t know they don’t taste good?

Well I’ve had a few interesting (one way of putting it) days since my chemo on Friday. Sherry took me up for a required needle on Saturday after I spent until almost 11 on IV and meds to try to help me. I have a different reaction every time, but I’m half way? Been busy today, visitors and phone calls.

Kim phoned this morning from the snow in Clarksburg, from 93 degrees weather on Saturday in the Florida Keys, a holiday with friends on a tug boat?

Now what a heavy frost this Monday morning!


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