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Tehkummah Talk & Times


There is hardly a day goes by without hearing news of one kind or another. Today, I heard of Eileen Leeson breaking her arm. She will be going to Sudbury for therapy. So, get well soon, my dear friend.

Morden just called a few minutes ago Tuesday evening. 

Earlier today, I got a surprise call from Gore Bay Lodge. Georgina Holmes and Bernard are very much settled in up there and are quite happy and comfortable, nice to have a chat and get caught up on the news.

This afternoon a short meeting was held at the Hall. Triangle Club regular monthly meeting.

Judy Blue was in one morning bearing gifts. She had been over to visit with Bob the day before? He is taking physio therapy in Sudbury.

February is heart month. I’m sure it’s not a coincidence that those are my issues because it’s a repeat!

This is also Black History Month. Talk about issues, can’t compare! This is also leap month when the women can ask a man to marry and if he refuses he has to buy her a silk dress! One could have a whole closet full or can you only ask on Sadie Hawkins Day? I needed my mother to keep me filled in on the hows and whys. My sister Mollie’s birthday is on Valentine’s Day, a lot of Valentine birthdays including Betty Jean’s.

This month has a lot of birthdays on the calendar. I remember seeing Robert Moise’s name and Lois Newton.

Out of all the hundreds of new cards I have, I couldn’t find one baby card. All of a sudden there is a “baby boom” in our area. Congratulations to the new parents Anastasia and George and their new baby boy, Vasily, Tehkummah, born December 14, 2019. And Alicia and Cole and their newest baby girl, Lilian Dawn Vivian, born 10:31 on Tuesday, February 4 (made it just in time I heard), Manitowaning.

I sometimes feel like I’m famous. I got the most wonderful cards, notes, phone calls, words from my “fans”? I love you, too!

Hey, Pat, I finally opened the chocolates!

Today we had seven and a half tables for cribbage. The lunches have been delicious. Thank you to all who share: high hand, Ken Pepper, 24; first, Yogi and Bobbi Jo, 937; second, Betty Jean and Bill, 931; third, Georgina and Betty, 926; low, Margaret and Lorrie Lee, 844; door prizes, Betty Jean, Dorothy Allard and Laura Scott.

Bid euchre, four-and-a-half tables: first, Noreen Parkinson, 201; second, Norma Thomas, 183; third, Hank Reckman, 177; low, Brad P., 47; 50/50, Doris; moons, Hank, Dave J. and Dorothy C.

Well, yes, I did wake up this Friday morning. I had my doubts in the night. I was so sick to my stomach. After I got home from the euchre, I fell into my Layzee girl chair, and I kind of watched Ellen and Kelly. Started feeling stuffy, then into the nausea and cold chills. When I woke up at four, both doors were opened? Bean bag heated to warm me up. I guess I should make me something to eat. Nothing but warm water in my tummy since a muffin yesterday afternoon. I made boiled raisin muffins and PB cookies in the morning. Had our first meeting of the cemetery committee at 10 am on Thursday morning. This is interesting already. Betty Jean had a bowl of soup here as there was so little time before bid euchre.

If anyone has any books, information at all on burials or history of Fairview Church grave yard, or burials within the township, it would be appreciated.

I saw a cardinal back at the feeder. What a cheery sight.

“Relax, God’s taking care of everything.” 

A lovely little fridge magnet in a lovely card from Linda McNaughton, who came to my door bearing gifts, one being hot fresh homemade soup. Thank you so much. The message inside the card, “a broken crayon still colours!”

Cards, thank you Lorna and Elaine Peck. I noted the obits, Cora Belle Finch, one of the lovely people I have had support from, re: my columns, and her sister Nelda Horn. Sympathy to you and family.

Another lovely surprise today, a call from Mary O’Neil, good to hear her voice and laugh. She sounds like they are active, and she also volunteers at the hospital where her daughter Leslie works.

What was it Heany Penny said? Our world is falling apart? Hey, but it’s still growing!

Anastasia’s seed exchange at the Tehkummah Hall is February 22.

The Layzee girl chair welcomes me. I’m nightgowned and singing love songs from the Valentine Gala at Knox Church Hall this Saturday evening. This is a wonderful feel-good evening… Starting with a delicious chicken and rib dinner. We all had the strawberry shortcake plus dessert. The door prize was won by? The draws, Elaine Bond, Skylar Reckahn, Rosemary, Pat Nelder. The music as always simply fabulous. The old love songs. It opened with “Just the Way You Look Tonight,” very cute! As always, beautiful harmony, singalongs, a solo “Love Letter in the Sand” got rousing applause! So very special. Thank you all, the wonderful folk who entertained us. Marilyn on piano/director; Sherry drove Skylar, Susan and me in. A few hellos to folk I hadn’t seen for a while.

Norma picked me up for church at South Baymouth Sunday. The wildlife was evident. We saw a couple of deer near Sandercott’s and then near South Bay. Two absolutely beautiful timber wolves. Norma thought the big guy was a deer! The lady, too, was lovely. Beautiful coats and tails. She was more compacted. Of course, February is mating season. How fortunate to have this sighting. 

Martin had a great sermon. Now I’m saying it because he included my poem “Fading Star.” I’m so compliment-based on environment. Some nice hymns, too. We went directly to the Hall; this was their special bingo afternoon.

One never knows from day to day what surprises are in store. A phone call from an old friend made my evening and brought back memories.

When I was talking to Cal on the phone earlier he mentioned Eugene Pyette’s 90th birthday party at his apartment put on by his family.


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