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Tehkummah Talk & Times


Em’s letter said, though the time in the ground was short, they had two four-pound potatoes come with the harvesting. As I write, the world outside is white with rainfall. It is hitting hard, I’ve had to check for hail. The lightning flashes are coming closer together and the thunder is loud and scary. I forgot to tell you of the oversized bright yellow mushrooms on my camp road Sunday. A couple were like dinner plates and one was like a platter. A good growing year maybe? Lots of shaggy manes too and another puffball appeared like magic on my kitchen table. The puffball, I slice, make sure it’s pure white and you can’t dint it with your finger, (firm) peel, you dip it in egg and cracker crumbs (fine Cheese Ritz are better!) I’ve never eaten the shaggy manes, but I know lots of folks who do. You pick the really firm ones of those! 

Say, isn’t Tehkummah sign on the Prov and 10th intersection looking great. Whoever did it? It looks greats! Also, the flower boxes prior, lovely. Come on Tehkummah, Harvest Glory us up. I did find out the community minded fixer-uppers Lori Gordon, Heather McGauley and my sister, Susan McGauley.

“Snow in September,” I guess it’s too late now, but, what a good story! I couldn’t put it down, 376 pages, usually the fatter books intimidate me. The writer, Rachel Lee. I picked it up in the book shop. It has Mary O’Neil’s name inside.

Hey, did I see a hummingbird at Carol’s and Earl’s restaurant on Sunday? And weren’t those red and white inpatients a show this year?

Election of officers was the order of the day at the Triangle Club meeting, with Andy going back as president; Betty Jean, first vice; Simon, second; Jan continues as secretary and Margaret McG. as treasurer.

Another meeting in the evening finds the St. Andrew’s Church members doing some finalizing, ordering and arranging for their annual hunter’s turkey supper at the Triangle Community Hall for November 16. (We all know time flies right?) This year they are doing the takeout prior to the serving from 4:15 pm to 5 pm. You can call Friday afternoon or Saturday afternoon to order. Dinners will be served up inside from 5 pm to 6:30 pm. If you wish to help prepare on Friday or serve Saturday, call Betty Jean.

After the monarchs left the Island? Pauline had 30 on her butterfly bush one day.

Eight full tables for Wednesday cribbage: high hand, Glenna, 24; bill was close behind, 23 (no Glory); first, Gib and Florence, 938; second, Laura and Patrysha, 930; third, Keith and Cal, 924; low, Beverly and Glenda, 852; door, BJ, Lorrie, Lee and Roy. Thank you to the K.P. folks and the high calorie snacks today. Yummy!

We hear Noreen is not well, thinking of you.

Talking to Derek and Jodi on Sunday afternoon. He said John had spread some gravel today, so he can get the deck done. J.C. had been a real help to him putting the siding on. It sounds good. They are running out of time, heading home after Thanksgiving. Have a great Thanksgiving folks. We do have much to be grateful for.

Because of our small turnout on Thursday evenings at euchre we just played for the fun of it, and every man for himself (or lady). Needless to say, at three per table the euchres are called more often and or the lone hands! (Some people!) BJ had a score of 91 and nine lone hands; Hank’s score 76 and seven lone hands; low, Peggy and John; our two draws, Pat N. and B.J.

A few years back, I mentioned seeing the grey deer at Garden’s Gate. Well, B.J. and Peggy saw them in the field near them. So, I was not seeing things!?

Sandfield had their last euchre of the season with two tables (after calling for help): Eva, 3×9, $500; Marg C., 187; Betty Jean, 84; four lones, Dave J. and Marg C.; low, Eva; 50/50, Eva.

We haven’t had many birds around, but the chickadees are busy at the feeders this morning.

Last evening feeling unsettled, I drove to South Baymouth. Anyone who sailed last evening got the splendour of a lovely sunset on water like a mirror. I do think the old boat is kind of pretty. Aware how quickly darkness falls, watching it go out picking up the treeline across the bay as it turned around at the dock. 87 pieces off and somebody took their house home on the boat, just a small truck pulling it?

Thanks Earl for the stuff!

The only way I can cope is by doing first things first? So, if I’m a month behind, it’s just because.

A short meeting at Lorna’s on Saturday morning to talk luncheon for Monday morning. Time is always the issue, and plans are flexible, maybe.

A cat on me as I write, they are kind of heavy.

Trivia night October 11 at 7 pm at Knox Church Hall.

June was our minister today. She filled in for Martin who wasn’t well. Hope whatever it is is short term! It was communion Sunday with Christy and Betty Jean serving the sacraments. Did we have more music today than usual?

Kim and Kirby just popped in. They are going to head for home on that bumpy ferry. Well it looked bumpy to me! Both of them with colds and headaches so I hope they didn’t leave me any germs.

We were playing Tiki at the camp last evening after a good supper of steak, venison, bacon (Kim makes it, delish!) Jeff and Lindsay tested it out when they stopped in for a minute while partridge hunting. Tara, Jacob and Sherry were in on the meal and game. Kirby won it! They brought apples up for Simon to sell, gave me some crisp, beautiful apples. Thought I had overcooked my cake, but I think it will do. Got some stuff to the hall and the counters all cleaned (and killed flies.)

I think I must look sad, poor and hungry. Whatever works. Thanks a lot!


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