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Tehkummah Talk & Times


The most popular game in my snack bar was the $0.05 pinball machine. The machines were installed and cared for by a couple of nice guys named Pete and Repete! I was always happy when the percentage of our share came our way. At that time, we paid our hydro every three months and the $0.05 machine always covered that. We usually had one other game, probably a dime, and the juke box, three or five for a quarter. (My memory is starting to fail) and I didn’t think $30 for three months’ hydro was a lot. We also sold gas at that time. Oh, there were lots of other games, too. The cooler months, rummy games would go on into the wee small hours of the morning; no one would give anything up. I’m sure the young teens who “hung out” at that time have a lot of fond memories. I certainly do!

Who can say each day where the road might lead you? It was a long and winding road, but, it led to a very enjoyable evening. Well, it all started quite a bit earlier in the day. Betty Jean was hosting the monthly Sr. U.C.W. meeting and a lovely afternoon it was. We all get along so well together. Afterwards, a delicious lunch was served up. We are not supposed to do so much anymore, but, as usual I was the last man standing (put a WO in front of that. We talked of the corn boil in Sandfield (well heck, I’m footloose and fancy free.) She made a couple of phone calls, looked up the time in the paper and plans got bigger. My first corn boil, really enjoyable, corn delicious, too. Here’s where we changed vehicles and off to Rockville to play euchre with Dorothy Cronk (I never would have gotten there!), but they recruited Lori Gordon too, so we were the four musketeers? What a fun evening, what a lovely little hall. I was so impressed with their well over $1,000 worth of houses. They are gorgeous. Lovely photos, lovely flowers, lovely people. We did ride home with a winner! Good coffee/sweets. Ladies’ high, Marjorie; ladies’ lone hands, Sandra; men’s high, Ken and lones, too; ladies’ low, Lori; men’s low, Don.

Back down the long and winding road and home with lots of new impressions to ponder. I think a very good day. Well, Wednesday wasn’t so bad, either. When I closed up the door after cribbage my son was waiting for me. I had talked to him earlier in the day and said I would take him out to supper. Well, we tried to find a spot in South Baymouth. We tried K.M.R and tried Loco Beanz. By golly, I didn’t realize my side of the Island had folded up already. It’s only mid-September. I know the weather feels like it. The leaves are turning like “speedy,” autumn shades. So much for global warming and furnaces everywhere are doing their thing!

Anyway, to make a short story longer, like I always do, we ended up at Green Acres, Derek had to do a lot of back tracking but I did have a great visit with my son and we had a good meal. I’m so glad Wade has given up telling jokes. Derek and Wade were friends when they lived in Cambridge.

Our cribbage had eight tables and enough food to feed a threshing crew. Two birthday cakes, three birthday people. Dorothy Allard brought a happy birthday to me cake, but Joy made her one as well. Dorothy, Glenda and Hugh all got a candle! High hand, Ruth McGregor, 24; first, Shirley and Kathy, 941; second, Glenda and Beverly, 937; third, Laura and Patrysha, 934; low, Gib and Florence, 849; door prizes, Beverly, Glenn and me! 14 teams today over 900s, yay.

I went around to euchre and waited. The tables came out right, so I came home with luck. I’ll get birthday cake later? Euchre tournament September.

Yes, I did get my cake! Everyone was so busy yawning, Tara had worked, Sherry, Dave and Roy, too. Skylar passed her bedtime was ready to stay up. I felt unnecessarily like “here’s your hat, what’s your hurry,” stuff. I was tired, too, just slower moving! Jacob had spent his day at Providence Bay. It sounded like his aunt was there, too; he had a busy day as well. Sherry had him a year older than his actual. Well, he is new into his 20th year.

Euchre results: men’s high, Hank, 78; men’s lone hands, John, 5; men’s low, Dave N., 45; ladies’ high, Beth, 84; ladies’ lone hands, Beth, 4; ladies’ low, Annette, 53; door, Reg Hall.

Back home in my Layzee Girl chair. The family events we all agree don’t last as long as when Mum was on the scene. A couple of cribbage games at each end of Sherry’s long table. Our end, Derek and I defeating Lori and Pauline three. The other end players were Tristen and Rick against Susan and Sherry. This was of course after the surprise birthday dinner. The delicious potluck style to celebrate Derek’s 65th birthday. Dinner started the minute Ray and I got there. He was cooking. Of course, it always ends with the birthday cake, a pineapple upside down with 65 candle décor and song. The house had helium balloons and stars and banners, noting 65 as well! Susan created a bag full of fun gifts to open, whoopie cushion and such things an older person may have use for. Including a John C. Hall date book from the John Deere era in 1957 (I think). Some cute and wonderful cards with nice gifts inside. Tara brought me home with food for tomorrow’s lunch.

Other party goers, Jodi, Skylar, Tara, Tavis and Alicia, Dave (his house) and Wayne. 17 of us in all. Another fun family function.

It was Tory’s birthday on the 15th, Derek, Jodi and Tristen will see him in Ottawa this week and have a close encounter with third grandchild Derek for the first time, except by Skype. Tristen, too, is heading home to Alberta.

Do you know if you put overripe bananas or banana skins outside it attracts and feeds the butterflies? Today an admiral and a mourning cloak fed as I watched and also an oversized fly, 1 1/4” at least. It looked crossed eyed as its huge eyes joined in the middle? A new species? Also, a skinny black bee kind of with a long four jointed tail that bends when it is stopped and extends when flying, about 5” long. Interesting?

Susan stopped in on her way home from Heritage Day, bringing a hamburger to me, thanks! I forgot about it, didn’t wake up the second time until 11:30 am, too late to go to church. I need time to get mobile in the morning. These parties are wearing me down. Did soak up some sun, though.


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