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Tehkummah Talk and Times


Poppy got her house all fixed up nice and cozy so now she lays outside in the snow and rain? Go figure.

Why were seagulls flying over the land this morning, does that mean spring has finally got here??

Talking to Cal this morning (Tuesday) and he’s still not feeling so well.

Called Mum and wished/sang her happy snow, I mean birthday. Heavy, wet stuff again; I guess my septic is feeling the crunch as it gave a burbling backfire into the sink when I drained the tub this morning. The ground saturation point must have been reached; I’ve never had that happen before.

And the birthday continues, Susan invited Mum and me (of course) for a roast beef dinner, on Mum’s Official Birthday! Couple games of cards, Simon and I were defeated; Mum was the Parcheesi winner as well. Boy folks are mean in that game. I remembered you had to roll a five to get one, but then people pick on you. I didn’t win, Susan only needed one to get out for about fifty minutes; when you’re trying to roll high numbers, all you can role are ones!

Turned my oven on, mixed-up my cake (birthday again), and no oven heat, so zipped around to the Hall to use their oven, but I don’t think the chilling and delay was very helpful by the look of the finished product.

Well the birthday cake at least had money in it; we sang Happy Birthday to Mum (again) and Cal, served it up with ice cream and sent whatever was left home with everyone.

High Hand: Lois- 20, First: Mum and Mary- 954, Second: Cal and I- 934, Low: Lois and Ruth- 86, Low: Gib and Florence- 880, Door: Mary Johnson. Everyone got a gift prize today as only I got a lucky nickel in the cake. Played four extra games with Mum, hey I won the most!!!

Talking to Elaine (Bosje), Bert has the flu bug too. Talking to Bev, another cheery voice, she always sounds happy!

Happy Birthday to Spring Bay’s Laura Scott, who celebrates December 9.

4 am—It all started Saturday at that time and now I’m two days later, same time, and I’ve just had a bit of toast and tea so I’m hoping it stays put.

It’s been a good news bad news sort of weekend. On Friday the sisters and their guys once again celebrated Mum’s birthday, at Green Acres. Mollie and John drove from Elliot Lake, Wayne and Simon segregated, so Susan, Pauline, Mum and I travelled together. I think a lot of Tehkummah also stopped at Green Acres that day. Good to see Debbie and her Mum Joyce Marilyn Moggy; also saw her later at Queen Street General.

Mum had surprises for us, and she got a piece of pie with a candle.

For the first time I took in the Christmas Madness in Manitowaning travelling in with Pauline and Susan. I was lucky and won the prizes at Queen Street General due to the Pauline secret fold? I thought I won one of the gifts there, and was shocked and overwhelmed to get them all! So thank you to all the businesses that participated (should always attach your business card!); a couple I definitely know. So I came home smiling, until 4 am that was!!

Missed the Christmas Fair in Tehkummah, Tara and Skylar took Poppy to the vet on Saturday, not good news. Poppy came in to give me a tail wag and a kiss when Sherry and Tara were here checking on me in my illness.

Sunday—Pancake Breakfast with Santa, a good crowd I hear. Ray and Skylar took Poppy back up to the vet Poppy decided herself, which was good, for she had a multitude of issues including blindness ahead of her. Tara was working but she went with them, so now there is a new grave (another one) in our backyard. Skylar and Tara were in, Skye brought me a framed photo and we were telling Poppy stories and there were lots of them. She came, a little stray, the first week of November (hence the name Poppy) and she left this world the last day of November, 10 years later.

Derek called at seven this morning, I was just getting back to bed after another episode of “choking in the pot” my kids used to call it(!), all is well there. Jodi will get off this week and will be home until after Christmas, so that will be nice for them.

Mollie phoned today, I hope I wasn’t already germy when we all were together on Friday.

Dorothy is home with a new car; she visited friends in Toronto while away. I talked to her Friday morning but I was unavailable for euchre in Manitowaning, spaghetti supper too. I tell my cats now to watch for owls, a lot of Snowy’s being spotted down this way. Pauline got a great photo last Sunday. Can’t be any feed for them in the North and doesn’t that seem early.

Going back to “Christmas Madness,” Manitowaning, I’m proud of you. It was wonderful, it was beautiful, so congratulations to all who entered the Christmas floats in the show “Parade of Lights.” We came close to missing it as we had just left the Knox Church Hall; lots of stuff to look at there, and the Little Shop Around the Corner. First time (I think) I’d ever been in Napa, had stopped for gas, they’ve got a lot of stuff, and of course we checked out “Nacks.”

I guess if there was anything to be grateful for, it is thawed ground and no snow to contend with, right Ray?

Mum, thanks for the Christmas present!

Nice to say hello to Elaine Renton on Friday.

Visiting with Helen and Bertha (who had a little cold) in town.

I guess I had punched a wrong button on my phone, Cal was trying to get me last night and this morning, he thought I’d kicked off!

Where did the blizzard go to this morning? Sun and snow.


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