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Tehkummah Talk & Times


Friendly Fly

You could be called a friendly fly

Or you could be called annoying.

I’ve swiped my body black and blue

But you’re so good at avoiding.

You are kind of cute, I must admit,

If only you don’t bug me,

But every exposed portion of my body, 

you’ve been on me.

Oh, I should move from my chair

And go to get the swatter,

But you’ll just hide, you always do,

And then it just won’t matter.

But chores are done and once again

I sit down in the chair.

The swatter’s back upon the nail

Oh damn, old friendly’s there!

– Pat Hall, August 12, 2019

Hey, it’s raining tonight, a nice fall. Should help the garden if it continues as such. I won enough to break even for one night. Anyway, Tara got to go tonight. Janet Simon’s niece Janet won finally. She broke even. She usually comes for a visit every year to Simon and Susan’s. They have been busy with company lately.

I went to South Baymouth to wave goodbye to Pete, Leanne and great nieces, Ava and Leah (and Winston their dog). No place to park so I walked from the church parking lot. Bob and Judy official. Ferry greeters on a daily basis shared their car and shade with me while I visited and waved, then drove me to my van.

I stopped at Carol’s and Earl’s. They were busy. After, we got on topic of UFOs etc etc. I was ready to leave town when Hugh and Barb came in. I hadn’t seen them for a while, so I invited myself to visit them. She has had an awful last month of pain with a broken back! She was wrapped up. I love visiting with them.

Serge and Shirley Kopp from Kitchener dropped in on Tuesday afternoon. Their annual visit to the Island. For him it used to always be hunting season. They were heading to visit Pauline and Wayne.

I stopped in at Susan’s this evening, too, to watch the parade! It is very small compared to a year ago. Susan, then Beauty (the horse), Bonnie (the goat) and Scatter (the cat). White/black/white/black! Speaking of the colourless world of cars (was I?), vehicles, black/white, grey and tans. Very little colour. Must be boring driving anymore. I stopped at the library and surprised Susan, I think!

Susan, Simon their guests, family and friends are doing a Chi-Cheemaun excursion Wednesday. Kim and Kathy arrived today and are established at the camp for a week and here to take in Country Fest.

Marg Reckahn left for home in Elliot Lake this morning, too. I had a couple of good visits and she told me some of the story of change when her sister-in-law passed away and of Ray’s and her trip to British Columbia. The best laid plans, all for the best it seems.

10:30ish Wednesday, had some compost leaves and such for the camp garden. Quite dry back there, came out to a half moon and very few night flying insects. I stopped for a visit and they fed me, too, at the No. 1 camp where Kim, Kathy and their friends Shawn and Connie are with them. I watched the guys clean a bunch of fish, nice evening.

Six and a half tables for cribbage Wednesday, August 7: high hand, Peggy, 24; first, Ted and Ruth, 942; second, Dorothy A. and Joy, 938; third, Ruth and Bill McGregor, 937; low, B.J. and Peggy, 855; door, Ruth McG., Janet K. and Keith S.

Thursday night euchre via Dorothy C. (Lost the darn list.)

This is Euchre Tournament Thursday, 7:30 pm.

Sherry has my wallet and my winning tickets. I won two for next year’s Country Fest! My luck continues?

Found a good food booth, always important, right? We found Dave waiting for us. Sherry had his ticket and Kim, Kathy, Connie and Shawn were waiting for us, too! Tara, Bobbie and Patrick found us. They do Country Fest VIP and stay in Little Current. Thanks, Norma, for kind offer to me (her house). Sherry had a big heavy fleecy jacket to keep me warm. The Reklaws were great entertainers, and I really liked the James Barker Band and local male auction and musicians. I wasn’t close enough to bid.

I have only seen one dragonfly in my yard this year so far, and he had a dirty face. It sat on the stone bench near the pond and cleaned, so interesting. Ahah! A red one, too, small, on Sunday the 11th.

Observations—How special was the Orange Blossom Special, and how special was the amazing entertaining personality Tanya Tucker? And I’ll bet the hills are still alive with the sound of music for the happy, young lady who had the lovely guitar presented to her by the star. Aren’t the old songs special!!

There were some great entertainers. The energetic performance of the Hunter Brothers (The mile-long lineup of fans!) “Nice Horse” (pretty, young and harmony) “The Dungarees,” one of the best of harmony and best-balanced band. Paul Brandt, the closest to real country, after Tanya. His heart has a history. A lot of the songs and singers I recognized from radio, and this has to be for the younger generation, as it’s more country rock. By golly some of it is growing on me!? But, I am old and not deaf yet! Forgetful! 

Tara brought Carolyn of Loon Island to see me. She was VIP, I met her a couple years ago. Never forget a smile!

So, it’s countdown, almost 10 pm Sunday. I’m just home from Jodi and Derek’s. Sherry and Dave provided steaks and macaroni salad. I provided me. The host family, including Tristen, provided the veggie, clean-up and coffee. The builders are coming along nicely with the house. Lovely visit/meal.

Stopped at Carol’s and Earl’s today after church. The sermons are always excellent; today “Salt of the Earth.” June McDougall ministered to us. We had a wonderful young lady co-hosting from a pew and singing along too, nine-month-old, and she stood and crawled for the grandparents, Pat and John Novak. What a beautiful girl. How special is that.

At 11 am I started getting dressed for church, one minute in? I was at South Baymouth and I didn’t speed! Geez. Forgot to mention winning the “monkey ball” challenge. (Sherry was my partner) against Kathy and Shawn, close! So, I got in on the prizes. I think the kids (ha) did pretty well on the Palm Bay, game prizes!

Monday morning a great huge bumble bee flew into a petunia and dropped to the ground so unable to fly. What is killing these marvelous creatures?

Friday Market, free delish muskmelon was passed around by Amanda. Then she came back and gathered the rinds! Lots of local produce now available.

Elizabeth Ann and her daughter-in-law Tina stopped at the booth to chat. She tells me Joyce Ward’s cabin is gone from their Picnic Point, Manitowaning Bay.

Steve Hart and Michelle stopped to say hello. They are building a new home. Retired? How can that be?

Thanks for the cherry tarts. I got them, Brian. Met Irene’s husband Reuben and Marg Case’s summer neighbour Sandy. Donna (Phillips nee Leeson) had Rosella’s family April and Mark with her.

Sandfield euchre: Dave J., high; Janet K., high; Ruth McD, 9’s, $10’ Marg A., lones (horseshoe); Cody, 50/50.

Happy birthday Tara, August 18 and Jodi, August 25.


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