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Tehkummah Talk & Times


“Another week of weather to bring I hope and you too, closer to Spring!”

Heard on Friday, another of our landmark Pioneers has gone to his great reward! Andy Watson was the backbone of Sandfield with the Watsons Store and many good works in our Tehkummah Fairview Church. Both Andy and Dot of faithful community values, friendly smiles and helpful hearts. Andy will be missed by family, friends including golfing buddies, his favourite relaxation.

This going through stuff, just picked up a bill from March 28, 1964 from the dentist Dr. DA Hart, $16 total for my three kids. Rates have changed slightly! Yes!

I called Paul Methner to see if he knew of any deer feeding programs in our area. They’ve got to be suffering and having a terrible time navigating this depth of show!

Golly, now my internet has been compromised! I sure hope you folks that “Do” have them don’t fall for this Scam, “4 CALLS TODAY,” Friday. 

It seems almost every day we hear of someone else passing. A kid of the restaurant days and a neighbour three doors sown, Lloyd Vanhorn, sympathy to his family.

Where did the years go? Bordon phoned me a while ago to see how our afternoon outing went today and Joan wasn’t feeling well, we missed her.

We were a party of seven, Inessa of Huron Sands was the owner, cook, waitress. A lovely young woman, the food was delicious. We had a great get together. A few valentine cards were passed around. We had to postpone our outing due to last week’s storm.

Betty Jean and I went over to the Hall for the birthday party after Pauline dropped us off.

Betty Jean was one of the birthday girls. Lois Newton, Yogi and Wayne Smith. We walked into the Hall to great music. Wayne, Lyle and Gordie. How we appreciate them.

I had four backup singers when I went up to sing (only one) today to the tune of Jackie, Joan, Lois and Jeanine. A beautiful huge birthday cake, the birthday song and ice cream. 

People really do think I know everything! Got a phone call this Monday morning from Fred Holmes of Collingwood (nice voice). They are in the blizzard as we spoke! Always great meeting via the phone.

Today my special mail from my great-nephews Brody and Bentley. My new good friend Myrna Jacques, poem included, my Brechin friend Darlene, card and hand knitted dishcloth. A heavy mail day, thank you to my friend Helen, you guys must love me!

Ice age, snow age? Global warming not so we’ve noticed. But on the sun days it is showing the line across the sky much earlier each day now. So, we do live in hope! Where are they going to put the snow if any more falls?

I have been feeding my crows this last week or so. They wait up in the elm tree until I throw something out the back door for them. I’m worried about the poor deer and every other small creature. They all must be suffering.

Dick Bowerman gave me a phone call this morning. I baked a chocolate cake, went to coffee time at the Library, always fun. They were having a board meeting afterwards.

Today, four tables for cribbage, always fun. Hugh was my partner today and much to our surprise we were first with 928; second, Betty Jean and Bill, 920; Yogi and Bobbi Jo, 919; low, Cal and Ken, 754; high hand, Florence, 24; door prize, Dorothy, wooden heart, and yours truly, PJ Hall. Ever since I’ve started using initials I’ve been luckier?

Jeanine and I were just starting to get the hang of it by the time the euchre tournament was over. They had eight tables: first, Donna and Eva, 85 and eight lone hands; second, Dorothy and Ken, 82; third, Eva and Rita, 79; fourth, Bill and Betty Jean, Simon and Marg were tied with 73 points; low, Hugh and Doris, 44; door, Eva West; KP duty, Yogi and Jeanine. Good lunch. You are supposed to go home with who brung ya. I was hitching, thanks Bill and Betty Jean.

Was this one of the storms of the century things? Up at 3 am. My door’s sealed with a drift. It’s still pretty wild, but not as bad as it was at 9 pm last night. The winds sounded like freight trains going through continuously. Derek called me from B.C. to tell me all our roads in the north were closed. That Facebook tells all. I sang my afternoon away going through papers. I found a whole bunch of old songs I had written out, mixed in with poetry of course, and dreams.

Talked to Joan on the phone; she was feeling better. I hope no one suffered ill effects from this storm or got stranded in it. 

Have a good week friends everywhere.

Hey isn’t this a March storm?

Derek and Jodi’s wedding anniversary on the 28th. Hi kids!

The other side of the street has no power. I must have lucked out, just a blink!


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