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Tehkummah Talk and Times


We are so fortunate to have the musical talents and volunteering spirit of our Island, and surrounding area. The Show and Music for Burt and Elaine (Bosje) was a super happy event. The theme of the evening was “Smiles.” From the great fiddle stylings of Al Ryan who wowed everyone the first half hour of the show. The wonderful “Islanders”- Gordie, Peter, Lyle and Harold plus their backup for Mom, Pauline and I. Lori’s great songs, Judy backed up by Bob on guitar, Martin (Garnis), our surprise guest, words and song, voice harmonizes beautifully with Gordie. Thanks to June for her words and blessing. We thank everyone for their generous support for all the Triangle Club for the hall on behalf of our Sr UCW group. Door prize was won by Joan Sagle; Bev and Richard canteen care and Joan and Lorna at the door, as I said, smiles were the theme of the evening.

Thank you, thank you very much Elvis style from Burt and Elaine, a terrific evening!

Dorothy Cronk is officially settled into her “new digs”- no more snow shoveling or home repairs!! Happy house blessings.

Sunday AM

Well I know now, I am definitely a Jim Beech fan! What a great show he and Ben Lentir put on at the Hall on Saturday night backed up by Mariette (on the bass fiddle) and Dan Mifflin (on the guitar). Dan laughed ‘til the tears rolled, and we had to laugh with Dan, as he listened for the first time to a song about a Dog!! An overly friendly one! The old style country music, and the many “voices” of this team, cute stories, made for a lot of enjoyment. Fundraiser for Michael’s Bay Historical Society.

After, I won three of five (hard struggles) cribbage games with Mom. She and Susan are going to Paula and Sean’s in Sudbury for Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. I sat with Keith and Cathy Size, Cathy is excited about the story in this months Canadian Living magazine about her family (daughter).

I’ve been singing “Old Flames” all morning and when I’m not singing it, it’s going around inside my head non-stop. I just called Cal and told him he should be sitting (ha ha) outside. It’s a beautiful morning, I can hear a machine running down at Anstice farm, but the chickadees and many other small birds flitting to the feeder from the trees here, almost drown out the sound. Three sandhill cranes flew directly over, and the morning air smells wonderful. At the base of the feeder stand, there are about twenty small sunflowers blooming, so as well as daylight, they kind of glow; the sun hasn’t reached me yet. A squirrel has been raising a ruckus for the past half hour, so I expect there is a cat disturbing it. Now a small airplane noisily adds to the cacophony. The little chickadees almost land on me, they sure aren’t the least bit intimidated, my second cup of coffee is getting cold, I’d better stop writing for a minute here. Now my ginger cat (probably the trouble maker) comes to join me here. Gosh there must be thirty chickadees here. A beautiful young cardinal just came on scene, very timid. I now realize why. I have to fill these feeders every day. A million noisy starlings/blackbirds just flew to the cedars and elm. I’ve never seen so many birds as today. Now I know what machine I heard from the farm, the sweet morning air has just developed a distinctive odor, so much for inhaling deeply!

Monday 13th

They seem to be everywhere. The goldfinches hung around the feeder, must have been a late hatch. One youngster sat on top of the frame finally its mother or dad took it to the top of the lilac and fed it. It almost wore its wings out fluttering, begging.

So much to be thankful for in our land of freedoms, as well as this agricultural paradise and our precious families and together times. June showed us a video of armed forces in work and family settings. Richard and Simon carried our flags as “Oh Canada” was sung and the names of all the lost in Afghanistan appeared on our wall (screen).

June, her husband Rob, Kathy Terry, Simon, Burt, Elaine and I lunched at C&E’s. I talked to Mom today; I guess Paula was “so” surprised! Susan hid and when Paula opened the door to see Mom there Sean cooked, Megan, Jeff and Brooke, also Matthew for dinner.

Sherry had a houseful- Marion, Mary and Jim, Tavis and Alicia, Ray, Tara, Jacob and Skylar, Cal and I; a most delicious meal as always. We didn’t stay too late.

Thanks Joan Sagle for the photographs, she’s given a few around so I hear. Today I’ve made a pot of chicken soup. Well here it is Wednesday, almost midnight, and almost mid-month. Time just runs away on me. We had five tables today for cribbage and food enough for a threshing crew.

High hands were: Janet and Glenn, they both had a 21. First: Dorothy and Eugene- 956.

Second: Janet and Glenn- 949.

Third: Bert and Joy- 919.

Low: Mary and Jean (Mom)- 858.

Door: Glenn, a Wooden Heart. Nice to have some new old friends join us today.

I afterward let my mom beat me two of three games.

Pauline and Wayne got home from their Thanksgiving with Steve and Gail on Tuesday.

Got a surprise call today from Duane Duxbury to say he’d been reading my column, and to remind me that his family had the “original” Manitoulin shaped cedar table. They gave it to the grandmother, Nina, for her 90th birthday. Now Duane worked at the garage/snack bar from about nine years of age. He was a kid who liked to earn a bit of money, and wasn’t allergic to work.

Hey Riley out there in Port Hope B.C. so glad you read my column, Susan and Chris say hello too!

Is Aunt Peg coming? Bath time? Lori, Mom and I went to Carol’s and Earl’s on Thursday for lunch; afterwards we had a few games of cribbage at Mom’s (who wasn’t so lucky).

Eight tables at euchre Thursday eve, Bev and Richard were on K.P. duty, good lunch (always). Lloyd won the door prize, Betty Jean and Lloyd-78. First with 80 points: Pat and Laura. Third and forth tied with 71: Hugh and Ruth and Donna and Eva who also won 5 lone hands. Low: Lyla, Clive, Ken Leila, 49.

Rob (Gill) has been bow hunting and spent the week at their apartment. June McDougall has gone home. It’s been nice having her with us the last three months while Martin was on sabbatical; our sermon: best friends.

Well a huge blowout stalled us in our tracks, Main Street Mindemoya on Saturday evening. Just as we left the “Roosterant” Wayne hit a bolt/tie rod end something? (No spare in the car). With help from Ian, the police and Owen (Legge) we got a courtesy car to get home. The group in the other car didn’t even miss us. Peg, Pauline and I were with Wayne; Glenn, Simon, Chris and Mom were with Susan. We had a nice little waitress and a great get together. Peg and Glenn had been picked up from the ferry on Friday afternoon.

Cal and I visited at the camp on Sunday afternoon a couple of games of cribbage with Sherry and Kathy and Kim who had arrived on Saturday. Ray, Jacob and Skylar were there too.

Rick got home from his moose hunt on Friday.

Had supper with Cal and Cole on Sunday evening.

Mom and I lunched at Carol’s and Earl’s after church with June, Simon, Kathy, Terry, Bert and Elaine. Carol’s and Earl’s is only opening weekends during the winter months. We drove in last evening to see sidewalks rolled up and closed signs on everything!!

Halloween party coming up soon, this is put on by Jr U.C.W.

The following day, November 1st, is our annual “Already yet?” Christmas tea, bake sale, and bazarre at 2pm. Lots of draws.

If you like late in the season yard sales, I’m having one. I’ve got old stuff, new stuff, lots of good junk and you can rummage through it all. Across from Ward’s Store, October 24 and 25th, 10am-2pm (Friday and Saturday).



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