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Tehkummah Talk and Times



I got up and made me a coffee

And looked at another grey day,

It’s hard to believe, but I tell you

This is May!

Where is the nice weather promised?

Who has stolen our spring?

Why even the poor little birdies

Don’t want to sing.

And believe me, I really can’t blame them

Discouraging it seems to be,

When day after day the dark days call

The rain still falls

And cool is all we see.

Pretty soon it’s again winter

While we’ve waited our year has gone past,

Perhaps then we’ll see the sunshine at last!?

– May 4, 2014


Well you sure can’t miss it! What a beautiful sign on the front of the Triangle Club made in memory of Oswald Hall (who also belonged to the Loyal Orange Lodge) and was the first president of the Seniors’ Club after we organized. David Brown, creator of this lovely sign, is married to Marnie, granddaughter of Ozzie Hall. Thanks so much!

Darn it! I fell asleep after euchre and missed “Idol.”

There were nine and a half tables for the euchre tournament Thursday night. Lorna and Joan Beard were on KP duty. Amazing! High scorers with 11 lone hands and 104 points, Mary Ann and Margaret; second, 86, Clive and Hugh; third, 74, Charlene and Janice; fourth, Dorothy Allard and daughter Lorie Ann, 72; door prize, Graham; low, 45, John and Pat Novak.

We had five and a half tables for our Wednesday cribbage. Lots of goodies to eat. Thank you all! High hand, 24s, Lori and Glenn; first, Bert and Joy, 939 points; tied, Lori and Rick, Janet and Glen, 923 points; low, Mum and Mary, 845; door, Graham and Glenna.

Amy just phoned and told me I’d won a trip. How many calls a week do you get when you’re a winner?!! But I did win my lunch. Sister Pauline just came through the door with a nice side of rainbow trout, fresh caught. It was delicious.

Percy/Murphy/Jackson is having a condo built for him!

Sympathy to Kay Gordon and family in the loss of her sister Lil. Dorothy Cronk went to her aunt’s funeral in Espanola.

The Sandhills are sounding mightily disturbed this Sunday morning for some reason. The breath hangs in the air. Frosty but sunny. Birdsong phenomenal feeders empty again. I finally got oranges to put out for the Orioles, but they may have already moved to a better yard! The little wren was checking out the condo this morning singing her/his heart out. And diamonds are now covering the rapidly growing grass. So much of my shrubs, lilacs, etc. were decimated by our winter. Lots of dead stuff. Wild geese.

All the way from Sault Ste. Marie, Ronnie and Norris Pyette made it to the graveside at Hilly Grove with two minutes to spare before the memorial service for Eileen Pyette. A huge crowd paid tribute as Lyle Dewar did a lovely graveside service. Jeff gave the eulogy (and there was humour involved) and sang two great songs in his Mom’s honour. A little story of Popeye, Sherman and Eileen’s pet dog, who had missed them both so much. His ashes too reside now beside theirs. Seems right, he was the sweetest dog. Steven and his family from Nova Scotia, Ted from Emsdale, Rick and Kathleen. I got hugs from all of Gib and Florence’s family (many hugs). Nice to see Anita, Jeff, Joseph, Anna and Faith. This family left immediately after the service for home (Bracebridge). Rod and Rosa of Port Elgin came back to the Tehkummah Hall for more visiting time and were staying another day. Eileen’s family, sister Ruth looks just like Eileen. I introduced myself. Her sister Jeannie and brother Lorne of Orillia, Jordan (Jeff’s son) from Smithers, BC. It was nice to say hello to so many of the family. I guess they had a yard sale on the weekend as well. At least the day was sunny, yet cool. I had helped with lunch and stuff at the hall before church.

Today June MacDougall was our fill-in minister, and was I surprised to see sister Mollie at church. She had come yesterday, new car and all from Elliot Lake. Two new red cars in their yard. After the luncheon, Mum, Mollie and I had a couple of games of cribbage. They were so easy to beat!! But, later at Cal’s I had to admit he is Top Dog winning four of five. I always challenge (silly me). After I walked around the yard here. I felt like moving so, I drove slowly to South Baymouth and Lakeshore Road and admired a lot of Sandhill cranes dancing. Watched a porcupine back down from the top of a tree, admired newly mown lawns (already yet), admired Sharon Case’s gorgeous gardens of Daffodils. There was no one home at Sherry and Dave’s. Then ended up at Cal’s for the cards. I forgot to pick up my vase of pink Daffodils at the hall.

Many of my flowers walked out of this yard this past week.

Eugene, I hope you are feeling well. Burt Bosjie too.

Hey, do you guys remember when the 24th of May actually was? No wonder I’m confused.

We had a visit with Kathy and George Holtrop at Carol’s and Earl’s Friday night and then Cliff Morrison streetside and every truck that drove by. Hello again Rob Harkes!

Six thirty Wednesday morning I went back in and put my housecoat on. The yard is so noisy with birdsong I need earplugs. Just got a whiff of something dead in the breeze as I was enjoying this morning. The daffodils are in their glory. A lot of primroses didn’t make the winter, and those that are blooming are thick and thin? What is absent this spring is the Cardinals song. I have seen one at the feeder this last week, but we had three pairs all winter! I did quite a bit (for me) of yard work yesterday morning (in the fog). In the afternoon we went to the Sr. UCW meeting at Noreen’s. The fog kept fading in and out on the bay and their yard alive with activity. A literal orange grove and Baltimore Orioles to eat them. Reg said a dozen, but there had been more! All sorts of small Warblers in the mix of action. Beautiful and entertaining! Delicious lunch too.

Tara was leaving the yard as I got activated. Jacob had to meet the bus. A field trip to Sudbury today he said.

Saturday I made marzipan bars for the lunch on Sunday, and chocolate marshmallow squares, an apple pie (I owed) and cinnamon rolls.

Ray and Dave have been busy logging?

They say I didn’t talk of the ‘Mother’s Day tea’ in my last column. Most weeks I’m so busy I just can’t remember all of my comings and goings. As usual the Jr. UCW played to a packed house. This year bottles on the table from the Tehkummah Winery, a Tuscan scene beautifully painted (I might add) on the front wall, wine stompers (Lucille Ball type) and a fight in the barrel, wine testers and tasters and a salute to it all. Readings and a delicious lunch served up by the cooks and wine grape crushers, the purple now gone from their faces. Always a fun event! Thanks girls! No one knew who the man with whiskers was?

Justine has two cute little kittens named Minnie and Marty. They came from the Martin farm barn when they were tearing it down. She says the one has a bad heart! They sure have a huge neat “play” station for the little girls.

Thanks again for the wonderful SBCDA newsletter. Great pictures of the ice caves!


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