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Tehkummah Talk and Times


Happy Birthday to Paula, Jeff, and Megan this week. February 15, 20. Susan and Mum took in Bob and Barb Eadie’s special anniversary in Sheguiandah on Saturday. Congratulations! Happy Singing!

Tuesday afternoon a lovely bouquet of flowers from Rick, Julia, Alicia and the Expositor staff. Thanks for the surprise. I continue to get lovely notes and cards. I’ll count them all up later. Thanks for caring.

We had five tables for cribbage. Wednesday high hands, Lyla, 24; first place, Ted and Dorothy, 925; second, Marg and Simon, 923; third, Graham and Sheila, 920; low, Hugh and Lyla, 856; door, Graham and Simon.

Thank you for all who provide our delicious lunch (we break after four games, snack then play another four), a great afternoon. We started at 1:30pm. After I beat Mum at cribbage and shared the table meals on wheels. Dorothy saved the results of the euchre evening tournament for me. February 18, one and two tied. Gib and Florence and Ted and Dorothy, 75 points; third, Brad and Bill, 70 points; fourth, Bill and Betty Jean, 68 points; lone hands, Eila and Donna, 5.; low, Marie and Marilyn, 38; door, Marie. The next tournament Thursday afternoon 1:30 March 3rd? (I think.)

A phone call from my son Derek this morning, it took a bit of maneuvering but he got his logging truck turned around on the narrow road. Two trucks did a head on ahead of him there in the Mackenzie back country. He said he’s feeling fairly good, the broken ribs pretty well healed. Friday morning, Sherry picked me up for my teleconference with my Dr. Jutzi. You guys, so far, have been with me as I take this journey. A preventative follow up of chemo and radiation is in my future. So thank you all as you travel along in my story and thank you so much for all the support. Sherry and I visited Mum and she won the two cribbage games that day. We had lunch at the Roosterant.

Well here I am, sitting in my lazy girl chair. After an excellent winter fun day, of course, my fun was inside the hall, eating, playing cards, and visiting. We even got prizes. I saw some very rosy-cheeked youngsters, and adults alike, who participated in the sawing, nailing and whatever. A fire was fed there too; I saw a big load of slabs when I went to the library’s book, bake and odds’n end sale. We shared the table at breakfast with Mike Mantha. He has a crush (I think) on Mum? Susan and Simon too at the table! Mary called bingo from 1 to 2 and we played cribbage and euchre. Once again thank you to all the volunteers (leisure services still?) who made such a great day, each year. Oh yeah, I did get to buy a silent auction photo, NEAT.

I’ve been having the weirdest dreams or nightmares since my surgery, caused from the anesthesia? Scares me.

Happy Birthday Cole! Happy Birthday Irwin Duxbury, “22” on the 29th. Still young eh!

Sincere sympathy to Rick Willoughby’s family and friends. Thinking of you Diane.

Pauline brought in some delicious cauliflower soup and stayed for a visit.

I’m the world’s worst for names but on Sunday I got (I hope) Rick and Judy’s names and faces aligned. Got to thank Larry and Adrienne for their Christmas tree (for viewing). So beautiful each year, apparently it is getting a mite tall and dangerous to decorate. I love it. “An outstretched hand towards those in pain/trouble becomes a merciful extension of Gods healing touch!”

Talking to Helen, Lori, Barb and Cal on the phone this Monday morning.

Sympathy to the families of Earl Kay and Bev Moggy.


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