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Tehkummah Talk and Times


The gift most valuable is to love and be loved in return.

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.

Sister Susan travelled with Sherry and I to Barrie on Tuesday. We settled in a Travelodge in Barrie. Walked a short distance for our supper to “Crock and Block” food (fajitas) were delicious!

Kathy met us in the AM for coffee. We were at the beautiful Barrie hospital around 9am. Multiple plus tests and or interviews, got away around 3:30pm. Sherry came in with me, so Kathy and Susan kept company, between my tests etc. Sherry met a gentleman who had put buoys out for years around our island. We sat with Terry McConnell from Barrie, who is familiar with the Island, and is related to Karen and John Cranston. Lots of folks from the north that they accommodate. All my doctors are young, good looking, nice and kind.

We stopped for a minute or so at the hall, for Vivian’s wake, and to offer our condolences. I stepped through my door here after 9:30pm. My knees are sore tonight. Bent over the car seat a couple of days worth, maybe?

3:30am, Friday, I’m awake so I’ll write, just completed a poem that I started a day or so ago. Joan called from Florida Thursday AM, woke me up, a call from Pat Falter as well, from Pauline and Cal. Then Cal was in for a few minutes. Derek phoned just as I was going to head over to Vivian’s funeral service, so I was a bit late. A nice tribute to her life, some nice hymns and anthem by Debbie Robinson. Delicious lunch served up by the Triangle Club. I hope the little lady is OK who got trapped in the bathroom. Her little hands were too soapy to turn the knobs, tap or door. She was so terrified, maybe thought her family would leave without her. I know all about being trapped!! She was a darling little girl.

Helen phoned, she has another great grandson born on the seventh, one day late for grandma Bertha’s birthday. Congrats Jesse and Lacey, big sister Reese, and all the family.

I won the cribbage game against Mum on Saturday evening (lost to Cal though Saturday morning.) Cal and I went to Carol’s and Earl’s for supper Friday evening. We sat with Keith and Cathy Size and had a nice visit. They were in Sudbury with family over Christmas.

I’m writing this at 4 am Monday. Three hundred and eighty three pages of inspiring words. Susan gave me this most beautiful book for my Birthday called, “A woman’s prayers from the heart.”

I woke at four in the morning (Sunday) crying with the pain in my knee. I guess the weather/arthritis and perhaps the way I was laying. I hobbled out and took a couple of Advil, put all sorts of rub on it. An hour and a quarter later it let me go back to sleep! I had made up my mind not to go to church, but when Wayne called and said they would pick me up I was glad to change my mind. (They have a garage to keep their car in.) My vehicle was iced up. Ray took Tara to work, and than went and got her too. Even my west facing window was coated with ice. Mum decided to stay home, she is feeling better though.

Tammy Russell celebrated a birthday this week. Peg’s (my sister in Guelph) was Sunday the 10th. She is one year and 10 days younger than I. I got three cards back that have the right address on them. Derek’s (no forwarding address), Rob’s, unclaimed? Derek says he picks up his mail every day.


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