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Tehkummah Talk and Times


From day to day, get up, waddle (yes) around, until the bones loosen up. I’m thankful I can still get in the tub and loosen the old joints up. Then, I guess, I am OK.

This aging thing isn’t quite as much fun as I anticipated, or did I really look around and observe? Anyway, blessings on all your ailments. Life as we know it changes, and goes by, like a flash, each day faster than the one before! I was thinking of Toots yesterday, when she and her daughter Sally stopped at Ward’s Store and were having a visit with Susan. So I got in on a little visit as well. Sally was heading back to her home in Toronto Tuesday after spending the past couple of weeks with her Mum in Providence Bay. Toots was so appreciative of the time and holidays she had with Murray during their lifetime.

I was just on the phone with Helen (Oswak) who has been having her problems with infection, but hopefully well on the mend. She had just come home from hospital again. A Sudbury day and Mindemoya week (almost). But she sounds good. She was saying Gelona (Hopkin) was in and Joey (O’Brian) too, at the same time. So get well soon, everybody.

Jeanette called in this Wednesday morning with some lovely things to add to our tea and draw. What a rainy morning, I have my Focaccia bread rising for our cribbage today. I never seem to make much headway around here. A constant struggle. The little beggars of deer have chewed the nice “last” rosebuds from the bush and are already cleaning up on sunflower seeds. They knock them out of the container. I wondered why they were going down so fast! And it’s not even winter! Cal says he’s hearing lots of wolves down his way.

Mum skunked me two days in a row when I’d win one I’d leave!

Wednesday evening, I’ve had another interesting turn, from one hour to the next? After cribbage today, I had a bit of an unusual happening (at this age anyway). So drove up to the hospital to get checked out. Today, the food just gets better and better at our cribbage afternoons. Thank you all!

High hand, Theresa, 22; first, Bert and Joy, 944; second, Janet and Glenn, 942; third, Cal and I, 939; low, Dorothy and Ted, 846; door, Dorothy and Bill C. Thank you Sullivan family for the nice card and photos.

Bev and Jean, thanks as well. Lori had a bad reaction to a shingles needle this week. Not good!

I just woke up, 2:30 am, had a kind of an interesting day, define interesting? We had supper at the camp with Kim and Kathy. What a precious blessing my family is! I spent the day with Sherry. Cal and Dave met us back there. Sherry and Kim checked out deer stands. It’s getting close to that special time of year. Oh yeah, and Kim got a few partridge.

Sherry took a day to spend it with me and it’s complications: the morning some blood work, more questions. Wait till the ultra sound, not enough water drank, more waiting, finally test, and wait to see doctor. Suspected news not reassuring, more waiting now. Nice nurses, doctors and technician.

Our supper was wild game pie, boar and venison sausage, chicken, fresh garden vegetables. Sherry and my fresh “grocery store” home baking! Ha.

Kim and Kathy had spent a lovely weeks holiday in Huntsville. They were given the condo for a week. What a nice gift. Thinking of you Coral. I’ll bet you are happy to be in Mindemoya.

Well Halloween was a nasty rainy night. God Bless the little ones and parents too, as they are earned their treats. We must have a Halloween skunk out there too! Only twelve Halloween treats given out. Earl was giving out treats when Cal and I called in.

I took in the Jr UCW Halloween party at the hall, what a lot of fun. The adult competitions were super. The young folk enjoyed that part too! The tennis star was amazing and who would expect to see her here in our little town! Lori did a great job with the games, much to the enjoyment of all ages: great costumes!

Mum played cards with Susan and Simon at Pauline and Wayne’s that evening. Pauline and Wayne had taken her on Friday for the needle in the eye again. They met her grands and greats at Swiss Chalet in Sudbury for lunch. Christine, Anita, Alicia and Samantha.

I won at cards on Sunday, finally. Joan took me to Carol’s and Earl’s after church. Mary (Yett) was the only one who shared our table.

I’m probably missing some important news. I’ve had lots of folks checking on me. Don’t forget that this Saturday at the Tehkummah hall our annual UCW Christmas tea, bake sale, bazaar, touch “n” take and many draws, starting at 2pm. Hopefully I’ll see you there!

South Baymouth congregation are holding their annual turkey supper at the Tehkummah Hall on November 14. Three sittings (starting at 4:30pm). Hunting season already yet, with trail cams picking up not only deer, but, bear, cougars, wolves.

I don’t know why I swallowed a fly. I think I might die. Well it came mighty close, Laurene laughed, she and I were sitting outside in today’s lovely sun. But some friendly flies landed in my tea. I should have looked, first. She thought I was getting sick to my tummy!


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