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Tehkummah Talk and Times


The land is sighing with happiness and appreciation. The rain woke me up at three, 9 am now. I’ve been sitting out watching those silly hummingbirds expend all that energy, but getting nothing to drink. They are so busy chasing each other away, only one feeds, and I’m assuming it’s an adult. I just about got a couple between the eyes, my they are good navigators though. Kamikaze pilots?

I went to Sandfield euchre last evening, and Dot beat me out by one point. She had 78, I remember Rick had five lone hands and as for the rest, I should have written them down (six tables). We had five tables for cribbage, a delicious lunch again, I made marble birthday cake for Pat Norton. She showed me the cute one made for her at the Legion (18th) on her birthday. High hand Mary Jo, 24; first place, Lois and Margaret, 941; second, Rick and Dorothy, 924; third, Jean and Mary, 917; low, Wendy and Ruth, 809; door, Edgar and Theresa.

On Tuesday afternoon I stopped at Diane’s Fish’n Chips and took the cook a treat,  we had a nice visit. She’s anxiously awaiting her granddaughter! (Like a brand new one!)

Lois and Don (Arnold) have their daughter Wendy staying with them for a week. Saw some gorgeous pictures of her daughter’s wedding. Darn it, birds are flocking!! They’re trying to tell me something. Hey, are your tomatoes ripening? Slow here.

Thursday euchre, thirteen and a half tables, Margaret and Margaret on K.P. High score Bill and Betty Jean, 86; second, Janice and Pat, 84; third, Marg and Joan, 76; fourth Rick and Dennis, 75; tied with seven lone hands, Rick and Dennis and Joan and Marg. Ted Arnold won the door prize.

Pat and Theresa and Marion and Gord came very close to being in the money -73 points!!!

Jayden Pearson, ambulance, broken leg, fancy jumps, some don’t work? Get well soon. Skylar is really ill with strep throat, I hear it’s going around?

Well I’m on a down turn. I did skunk Mom, but she beat three and Cal beat me three to one, what happened? Bad week?

Well forgetfulness is inherited I guess. Sherry called me earlier in the week to remind me not to forget dinner show “Elvis” at Knox on the 22nd, but I did, and she did too!

She had gone to Kevin’s funeral and it completely threw her off. My excuse was busyness I guess! It wasn’t till this morning Sunday that I realized the date and the “LATE”!

Anyway, Elvis sang for Mom at Carol’s and Earl’s today. Very nice of him, he remembered her from last year at Tehk Hall. He’s doing a show in Wiky on the 19th of September. James Anderson “God Harley and me”!

We had our anniversary celebration today at Fairview, great to have Ruth Webster play the organ music for us, Linda (McNaughton) sang a couple of songs for the event. I did a brief history that was really about our church family, and a poem I had written this month. Mom and I sang “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere.” Martin has put so much music into his sermon in the form of sing-alongs this summer. He makes you want to not miss anything, terrific. A few nice folks stopped to say hello to Elaine after church (sitting on her deck!)

On Friday I went up to Kevin’s wake with Barb (Bowerman). Later went to C and E’s for our supper. Cal beat me at cards, too! I’m having a bad week, Mom beat me again, too; about three days in a row?? (Good job I’m not playing for money). When I was leaving Mom’s on Friday (I had got Barb to drop me there), this car pulled up beside me, so I had a good (half hour?) chat with Becky, who’d been down to get some soil from her dad’s place to put on Hector’s resting place (on Saturday at the Sheg graveyard (Vanhorn).

I was quite teary-eyed after our talk, brought back a lot of memories.

Tara brought me some huge shitake mushrooms, update on Skylar, a bit of I.V at the hospital, now an abscess on the tonsils. Anna and Hart’s time is gone, home to Toronto this week! They’ve had his brothers visiting and her sister earlier.

The lost duck was found at Susan and Simon’s place. They had Simon’s niece, Janet, visiting this week, too. Cal just phoned, I guess his assistants got the rest of his wood home and in the shed. He’s ready for winter!

Carol and Earl and their staff took in the Providence Bay Fair on Saturday evening. Their only night off in the summer!! Mom and I had lunch at the Garden Shed on Monday the 24th.

Tara was in, Skylar is in Sudbury hospital this a.m. Things got serious in the night. The abscess is in her throat?? Ray has gone with her finally, after x number of emerg visits this past week, action.

Just talked to Cal, he’s into money laundering this am as he forgot to take his wallet out of his jeans. They say money has lots of germs on it, so maybe a good thing! Have a good week folks!

Talking to Helen Oswald this morning. She was away a couple of weeks visiting her “kids” in Merrickville. They celebrated Christina’s (plenty ninth) birthday (I’ve got one that old this year too?) Paul hired a mariachi band and they served Mexican food. A lot of the family attended and it was a fun time.

Sliced up my first ripe tomato for breakfast! At last!


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