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Tehkummah Talk and Times


(Misplaced from last week’s column.)

The South Shore Volunteer Fire Fighters association would like to thank all the volunteers and buying participants for their support in their most successful yard sale (June 27/28) ever.

They really appreciate all donations, monetary as well. I know there are a lot of folk who wouldn’t miss it, I’m one of them. A great visiting spot as well! Nearby the Island popcorn booth seemed popular.

Today at church we sang Happy Birthday to Richard Lynch. June McDougall returned to her London home after her good sermon. Mom, Pauline, Wayne, Arnold and Simon at C and E’s for lunch.

I got a phone call from Rob (Rennie). He says he might feel like (finally) coming to the Island. He hurt his back badly when he slipped on the steps in the winter (rocked the building?). He didn’t realize he’d been so badly hurt. Glad to hear he’s on the mend.

Just heard this morning that Faye Chatwell had passed away. Sympathy to the family in their loss. Raymond said they’d been married 69 years.

Every stop there (when I sold Avon) but, I had to have a cup of tea and something homemade fresh.

Tuesday morning! What a glorious rain. Of course, I did think twice about getting up when I heard it, but as early as it was I had to see how the world and all was absorbing it. I’m sure some very grateful garden plants this a.m. I have been watering the roots (only) of tomato, cucumber and pumpkin (Skylar’s giant ones). But there’s nothing like the real thing!

I was talking to Mollie on the phone and thanked her for the strawberries she and John left at Mom’s for me. John started back to work just yesterday. I called Cal, and got him activated. Ginger has been my morning companion here, of out lot the rain. Seems to be a lot of cardinals around this a.m. I guess some youngsters, different colours anyway. Watch when you’re driving, a fawn standing in the middle of the road (near Lentir’s). Did a springbrok type jump turning completely around in the air and went back into the bush, didn’t see any mama deer in sight at all.

We had to slow down on Sunday evening as the car in front did for the family of ducks crossing the road, seven or eight youngsters, single file. The rain has just picked up speed again.

Woke up singing “Someday you’ll call my name and I won’t answer”?? 5:30 a.m. had to washroom it anyway! (That was the call, I guess) looks like it’s going to clear.

Well, by golly, here it is Wednesday eve already. Last evening I went to the Strawberry Social at Sandfield Dot and Andy were official greeters, they said! Then played cards with Mom.

I came in from outside 3:30 on the clock. I thought the darn thing had stopped in the night. Checked the bedroom clock darned if it didn’t read the same, no wonder my feet were dragging. (I thought about noon?) No lunch, moving stuff around in the gardens.

Today’s cribbage, five and a half tables. Honourable mention on the high hand “28” for Kevin Richards (first visit and welcome). First place, Jessie and Jim, 932; second place, Gib and Florence, 925; third Cal and I, 906; low, Bert and Joy, 844; door, Betty Jean and Joy.

Well home from euchre and didn’t I leave the back door open. So as I walked through I say, nothing’s hopping, nothing’s flying, nothing’s smelling? Then I saw something fly by, only? A large moth!! Have you all noticed this year? No bats, no bugs, no bees, no frogs. I did hear a tree toad in the rainy day.

Four tables at euchre, Carole and Eileen on K.P tonight. Judy, Renny and Lyla followed her home (Eileen) Margaret (McCarthy).Ladies’ high, 65, Linda Bowerman, two lone hands (on a cut); ladies’ low, Pauline Martin, 50; men’s high, Andy Bowerman, 68; men’s low, Renny and Dennis, 50; door, Irene James.

From last euchre, men’s high, Rick,70 and three lone hands; men’s low, Graham, 54.

Earlier today, I picked up my sister Susan and took her to Garden Shed for lunch, nice visit, we flower shopped. I checked out her farmstead, chicken and duck surplus fed the rabbit, some dandelion leaves, admired her gardens. I also checked out the clothing giveaway at the new Manitoulin Community Church.

They’ve had a great week of “I love Manitoulin” giveaways! Free car washer, on Wednesday at the fire hall (some pick up and deliveries), free pancake breakfast on Friday, Tara, Skylar and I took that in. Some wonderful young folk (from Arthur) serving with a smile! Our welcomer David, server Tim. Saturday was to be a princess tea, and they were doing another BBQ after church (later today, Sunday).

After our cribbage on Wednesday we all headed for Knox Church hall for a turkey supper. Pat (Norton) took Irene and Mom in, Cal and I almost caught up to them.

Sunday early a.m. awake so I thought I’d try to remember back 5 a.m. Robin starts perhaps it has an alarm clock same as last week. So much cheer!

Aggie McPhee puts on quite a one man/woman show. She is so very funny with her life stories true most of them, I’m sure. And as a song writer/singer very impressive. I was a bit late getting there, I had gone with my family Tara, Ray, Jacob, Sherry, Dave to see Skylar’s artwork from her Little Current class (one selection from each grade) to the Lacloche Art Show in Whitefish Falls. My first time. Is there even a lot of Island talent featured there. We got to talk to David Read the featured artist who had a one man show, the whole back walls depicting his many styles. I could have spent much more time there. We missed the big yard sale across the way by minutes, I guess, and outside discussion had us dining at “Green Acres” on our way home. A super great day all in all, weather wise too.

An awful bang on the window screen above my head had me wondering but I had a hold of cat Marble, she was struggling to get away but the young rosebreasted grosbeak flew away. I saw its Dad feeding it some of my elderberries after. Between them and the robins, they pretty well keep the tree stripped.

I would say the birds had a very successful hatch. My first time for ever having them stay around. They have kind of a nice song too!

The women continue to maintain their superiority in the cribbage department, as Florence and I defeated the guys. We didn’t exactly baffle’em with B.S but let’s just say there was a smell involved!!! They did win some.

Happy Birthday this week to Lloyd Thomas. A birthday party at C and E’s on Sunday for Dennis’ granddaughter.

Pauline and Wayne celebrate another anniversary. Rick Gordon celebrates a Birthday and a happy anniversary coming up for Rick and Lori too.

Summer folk on scene Anne and Hart, Brenda and Grant. Welcome back home.

Our sermon––golf? Congregation interaction, great/spiritual. Me in the mornings waiting for the sun!!

Hey this is Strawberry Social Saturday July 18, 7 p.m. Tehkummah Hall. C’mon  out!! After church, C and E’s Jean, Borden, Anna, Hart, Mary, Elaine, Jackie, Martin, Lynda, Mom and I.


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