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Tehkummah Talk and Times


I see the little wren singing on top of the birdhouse again. The last little while they have been singing distantly and quietly making their way to the family dwelling.

This morning I see the American redstart, they swoop too low to the ground to suit me but I sure enjoy their song. Cardinals in constant singing mode, I’m pleased to see the rosebreasted grosbeak pair (obviously nesting nearby) at the feeder constantly.

Mary O’Neil was telling me of the unusual track on her deck steps. Sounds like the same prints I had in my yard before the snow left. The size of my hand with four toe prints outside that? What can it be??

Last week a burgundy coloured animal popped up and back down again on the roadside half way up Government Road, anyone else see anything unusual?

I am so so impressed this year by the tremendous amount of “showy” pink lady slippers gracing our road sides. Makes one gasp!!! Canada lilies showing their face for Canada Day too.

Some four wheeler adventurers in Cal’s backyard: Douglas, his mom Kathy, James, Natasha and Cole.

This week seems to have gone quite rapidly once again. I actually had ten days with the last early deadline, and now here I sit trying to remember backwards. (No notes, not good!) I guess if I start with today, Sunday? I was awake at five to hear the robin start his morning serenade. It was about fifteen more minutes until the wren added her song to the mix. By watching the wrens this week in thier new family planning I found they only seem to work until noon. I’ve laughed more watching them carry sticks that don’t fit in the nest hole, one strand of grass must have been 14 inches long, no time or trouble with that!

They worked on two units of the bird condo at a time, until they couldn’t get into one?? I had a totally new perspective watching my world from the other side of the pond, that Tara has going beautifully, a nice new pump/fountain installed.

Manitoulin Community Church had a wonderful “grand opening.” Amazing song, music, voices, many thank yous issued by the new Pastor Wendy Payne, a most delicious BBQ and pot luck after the service. Welcome to Tehkummah youth and children pastor Tamara Payne. In this past week too, South Baymouth had celebrated its Canada Day early big doin’s on June 27th. With their fire fighters annual giant yard sale, always good buys to be found. The museum  annual bake sale and silent auction.

S.B.D.C BBQ a favourite stop for almost everyone, I’m sure. Great burgers. It was good to say hello to Jack and Marilyn Merry I didn’t realize they had been at their S.B.M home since May. Good visiting all around!!

And I can’t forget the parade. It’s the best parade for a little village. Flag bearers, honor guard, leading the way. They always have great floats, cars, horses and riders, walkers, wicked witches? Not even Halloween!! Free ice cream for everyone afterwards at the museum grounds.

They finished up on the evening of July 1st with a long and explosive fireworks display at the harbor front.

Sure were lots and lots and lots of people there, traffic jam after. We people watched until the ferry left port (it was late too).

Euchre on Thursday evening three tables. Ladies’ high, Linda, 8; I won the lone hands (3) on a cut, low, Marg; men’s high and lone hands won by ? Door prize and men’s low Jim Henderson.

Mom beat me three games, me in the stink hole each game except for my skunk. Speaking of skunks, Florence and I got the better of Gib and Cal on Sunday evening, I think we played six games. They won a couple. We’d met at C and E’s for a hamburger beforehand. Earlier in the week too we met with Gib and Florence their daughter Anita and granddaughter Anna. (Anna is half of a set). A nice get together. Gib and Florence had their son Rod and Rosa home this week too. A busy one for them. From Bracebridge and Port Elgin. Respective sympathies to the families connected in the loss of Crystal Williamson this week.

Mom, Pauline and I went to the hall after the funeral service for Faye Chatwell. Barb says 68 immediate family members and only one couldn’t make it. Sad though these events are, it is nice that the support system in a huge family is so comforting. Good to say hello to many and offer sympathy to the family members.

It was  good to visit with Glenna Harrison, and her daughter Dorothy. We don’t see them much anymore. Dorothy says it was good to get a short visit with Justin (Ward) and Crystal. They were visiting his parents Susan and Ross.

Pauline and Wayne had a houseful for supper on July 1st.

When Pauline and Wayne took Mom for her needle in the eye on Thursday, they also visited their daughter Christine who had just had surgery on her other knee. We hear Wayne (Halloway) had a brief hospital stay.

How are your allergies? Even the cat seems to sneeze a lot this season.

We ran into (well saw) Adam Shawana and Donna on Saturday, good to say hello.

NOTE: If you happen to find a “U.C.W lifetime pin” it belongs to Mom. She lost hers recently from her jacket (she’s not sure when or where???). Valuable to her.

Well it’s our Sr. U.C.W Strawberry Social time coming up soon on Saturday evening, starting at 7 pm at the Tehkummah hall, July 18.

Lots of work, and yard clean up at Tammy’s new house. Great to see the Quackenbush girls together Beulah, Shirley and Sandra. A couple of holidayers in that trio.


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