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Tehkummah Talk and Times


The rain didn’t happen, but the painted lady butterflies seem conspicuous. The tulips had done a wonderful job of making themselves known. There seems to be an abundance of yellow, looks like sunshine! I am so tired I did about an hours work outside and it finished me, slept in my chair with a cat on top of me most of the afternoon. Well here I am, it’s Wednesday, I’m sitting in the sun, so much for our forecast of snow. Pita Van Horn’s yard is a glorious array, thousands of cowslips and bloom. They are primrose relatives.

The cowslips (we called as kids), actually Marvin Mamiaotas, have been brightening up the roadsides.

I’m always trying to find a pen that writes. This one spent the winter outdoors, and it’s so far doing fine (Volkswagon Logo) University? The birds are so busy. The wren is sassing. They took over the bird apartment house yesterday, I baked a cake for the birthday party; our faithful musicians Peter, Harold, Lyle and my niece Lori did a wonderful job of entertaining us. I took some readings and jokes, but just let the music go. My amazing mother sang a couple of songs. So thank you once again to our faithful musicians and our birthday party guests.

Rueben and Jeneen, we celebrated your birthdays anyway. Lori and Peter’s candles melted right into the cake!

I beat mom at a couple of games of cribbage afterwards. Talking to Helen and Cal so far this Wednesday morning.

The earth keeps shifting in the one pot of small tomato plants. I’m afraid to look, but I expect it’s a small toad. I won’t disturb him or her. I’ll let it have the nice moist spot at least this guy is outside.

Great to see Edgar and Rita back, as well as Janet and Glenn. We had 26 for our cribbage on Wednesday (afternoon at 1:30 pm). High hand, Mary, 24; first place, Mary and Jean, 960; second, Cal and I, 927; third, Del and Andre, 926; low, Bill and Betty Jean, 857; and door, Pat (me), Hugh and Andrie. This is a fun afternoon; come and join us.

After mom and I went to Carol’s and Earl’s for a good hamburger for our supper, then we had a few games of cribbage. I left smiling again!

Hey, Congratulations Expositor, only 136 eh?

When I was talking to Derek last week he was telling me of Tristan’s friend being killed by a black bear. Taken right from his camp fire (near Prince George B.C), sad story. They were planning a wedding for this summer, she was in the trailer/camper. Never heard a thing.

Richard (Lynch) had help getting his wood home. I see they put up the LCBO sign at Ward’s Store today (Thursday).

Said hello to Bob Brill this a.m. The way those summer folk are appearing lately must mean something. He said Valerie is doing great just three weeks after her hip replacement! Way to go!

Well by golly I got up, but I’m back in bed again. It is cold. I wondered why I had two cats sleeping with me all night.

They had 10-and-a-half tables at euchre, Margaret and Linda on K.P duty. First place, Rick and Edgar, 79; second place, Donna and Eva, 78; tied third and fourth, 76, Dorothy and Rita and Lyla and Hugh; low, Annette and I, beating out Gib and Florence by one point, 47. There were four cards with six lone hands, Rick and Edgar, Donna and Eva, Rennie and Judy, and Lyla and Hugh. Door prize, Audrie.

In the last month or so, I’ve heard sawing, hammering and drilling sounds across the way. Ron and Justeen’s (Anstice) house is looking mighty different. Lovely new windows and maybe a complete reno?

Just saw some heavy duty equipment going through town. Must be crushing season again! Cal was in for a short visit. Boy, it’s cold outside today. That wind is biting—thank goodness for my sunny sheltered sitting spot.

Saturday a heavy frost, I had to go out early and feed the birds as I fell asleep last evening in the chair and didn’t get that job done.

Just in and out of town on Thursday afternoon. Checked out Freshmart, drugstore and H.H “The Mill.”

After my every two month visit to the dump on Saturday I went to Cal’s, had a sandwich at his expense (he’d already had his whatever?) Watched TV. Went to Sherry and Dave’s and we did still remember how to play sequence in the evening. (Tea and Christmas cake?) Well I sat outside this Monday morning in the rain, I actually watched the rain as it helped the leaves unfold.

The blooms on the top of the lilac opened too. I had a cat and blanket on my knees and a coffee in my hand. I had just eaten two delicious fresh eggs from Susan and Simon’s “farm” and of eggs and springing forth little black chicken and little yellow ducks. It was making me wish I still had chickens. Mom and I stopped there for a visit after church Pauline and Wayne came along, “Still no morels?” Nice visit.

It hadn’t been too long since we were together for lunch at C’s and E’s. Simon, Pauline, Wayne, Joan, Mary, Mom and I. It’s good to see Lorie back at C’s and E’s again. Debbie Robinson sang two old hymns for us at St. Andrews, very nice. June’s sermon was great.



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