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Tehkummah Talk and Times


Met a lady today by the name of Dorothy (Kay). She spent early years in Tehkummah. She is on Manitoulin for a month.

Nice graduation photo Reegan!

Tara invited me to go with her to South Baymouth. She needed to go to the post office. We had lunch at Carol’s and Earl’s and checked out the Wigwam gifts.

Our side of the bingo hall was in the money last evening!

Earlier in the day I had gone to Wikwemikong with Cal. Admired all the thousands of trilliums on the roadsides, and many smaller cup Lady Slippers. On the way home he drove me down Lilac Lane, really can’t recall the right name. Came out past Erling Size’s barn and I now know where Harvey Drysdale lives. We had our lunch at Queen Street General which I think is the general meeting place/coffee place for the locals.

If you ever need party supplies, be sure to check out Wikwemikong’s dollar store.

Wednesday cribbage as always was fun. We have five tables. Good to have Pat and Laura back. Lori had high hand with 24; first place, Pat (N) and her mom Laura, 957 points; second, Cal and Edgar, 922 points; third, Janet and Glenn, 921 points; door prizes, Lois. Thanks for the lunch goodies Joy and Audrie.

Thursday euchre Mary Johnston was on KP duty. Men’s high, Dave James, 75 and 5 lone hands; men’s low, Barry; ladies’ high, Dorothy, 73; ladies’ lone hands, Dot, 2; ladies’ low, Margaret. I won the door prize!

There will be no euchre on June 12 because of the election. The following week will be Tehkummah tournament time again. Anyway, I’m voting for my sister Susan on the 12th. It’s her birthday. Have a happy one!

Friday evening at Carol’s and Earl’s there were lots of folks to talk to—Shelly and Larry and Harvey. Joan and Borden came in. Joan in recovery mode, having a stent put in the past couple of days (another). Then the Mindemoya motorcycle gang came in. We had eaten but were invited to visit with them where we learned “hot” off the press information about Kathleen (a burning subject!). It was getting lots of laughs but she was a lucky girl. Rick, Colleen, Allan, Anna and Don (a fun gang!).

Cal and I drove in to Michael’s Bay. Mostly curious about the bridge?

Some folks were setting out coloured flags for the Bicycle Rally.

Then I beat him, for a change, at cribbage. He claims brown sugar luck!

Saturday morning Rick G. came in to visit. It was good to see Murphy Jaxon home. I asked him about his adventures but he wasn’t talking. Cole was glad to get him back!

We went yard saling Clover Valley way. Almost got lost. Met a lady named Mary (forgot her last name), who reads my column, at her sale.

We drove on to Wikwemikong and checked out the dollar store, wildflowers admiring as we drove. On out to the Flee Market. Had a hamburg (I had a hot dog) there! Rick was cooking. I talked to Rita Gordon at Barnup sale. She got me up to date on Terry. Jennifer was with her mom. After I got home here, I checked out Ray’s mushroom logs. They’re starting! Then settled down to watch movies after watering plants and animals.

What did I hear about Sheila McKenzie? Take care!

Good to see Jim Johnson back.

The weeks are full of Fridays according to Cal. I keep track (not really) by how often I have to refill my pill keeper. That’s old age for ya!

I’m always sitting Monday morning trying to think backwards. Yesterday was full and busy. I helped in the morning with making sandwiches at the hall for Joan McMurray’s surprise retirement party. There must have been more than eighty guests. They were still coming in when I left. A most beautiful cake made quite a hit and I’m not joshing, when the table collapsed. Slid gracefully, didn’t damage the beautiful look or taste of it. Gary presented a plaque from the township. There was a box of congratulations on the retirement as well as personal good wishes.

We, Cal and I, left there to visit Lori and Rick for a bit. We gave a little welcome gift for Lori and the new boarder they will have in their home by this time next week. We had three games of cribbage. We won the last one then left!

We played quite a few games during the evening even though he skunked me once my brown sugar luck prevailed. I’m a winner!

Mark and Maureen were on the Island last week getting the trailer ready for the “honeymooners”. I haven’t seen Kevin this year, but we’re going to visit him. Hello long distance!

Church at South Baymouth St. Andrews, June MacDougall our minister, equipped with microphone and amplifier. It really helped.

I bought a new hanging thing-a-ma-bob to put the hummingbird feeder on. It will either solve the problem or create more!

Set up the hall on Saturday with Reta, Bev, Dorothy and Margaret. It looked great! Thanks to all who provided squares.

Every year I’m going to go to Bluegrass in the Country. I love the music, but…

Laurene was in this morning talking about how good it was. She said the new square dancers were precious!



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