Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Taxpayer seeks answer from Assiginack council

Taxpayer seeks answer from Assiginack council


Why can’t something be done about the Rogers Creek Bridge?

To the Expositor:

We, as taxpayers for both Tehkummah and Assiginack, cannot understand why something is not done to fix Rogers Creek Bridge. We travel from South Baymouth to Leeson Bay Trail, Assiginack and the route along Lakeshore Road was our route.The sign does say ‘temporarily closed.’

Come on councils, at least get us on the agenda to let us taxpayers know if there is a plan or when this might be addressed.

The Lakeshore Road is a scenic route and is a bike trail. Many people travel Lakeshore to see the painted rocks and shoe tree. The bridge is a focal point for fishermen, boats etc. Many times I saw trucks and boats come down Lakeshore to be stopped because the launch is on other side so they have to back up and go all the way around.

Our taxes in Assiginack are terrible for all we get. We drive half hour to go to our dump and have no water and sewer. Just because we might have a view of the water we are paying city prices and its time the council did something for out in the country and not just focus on the town. At least give the taxpayers a reason why it is not fixed or a time frame when this might be brought to council. 

This year will be three years the bridge is out and nothing done and all of a sudden a new fire hall.

Deal with what is broken first.

Sharlene Elliott

Tehkummah and Assiginack


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