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Tehkummah Talk and Times


(Last week) I met a sweet young lady named Mary Jane at Country Fest. She was a volunteer in the kids’ playland area and said her feet were sore. She had been there all day. She didn’t have a chair to sit down on! I watched the artistic lady paint some designs on some older ladies’ arms. I was going to get one on me and say I had gotten a tattoo? She was very good! The volunteers need to be commended, from the garbage clean up, the transporters, and those guys that kept the bathrooms and paper supplies all handled. Even the grounds looked cleaner. Maybe more people disposed of their own garbage (and so they should) this year.

Sunday—Sherry and the family were back at the camp for the garden, doing a clean up and reno.

Boy oh boy, we’ve sure had some cold nights already. I’m still waiting for spring. The darned tomatoes are rotting. I did get another ripe one. Mum sure got a big one from her plants.

Hello Faye Chatwell, Pearl and Don!

Helen Oswald called this morning. Said they had a nice turnout for Kicking Mule Ranch on Friday evening. A surprise when Cathy (Duinker) came to her door. A Manitoulin Reunion for five of their family. And Shauna landed safely in Dubai (not the right name, but) for a year or two of teaching there. God Bless! Five new grandkids this year!

Monday afternoon—I went to Gore Bay with Sherry, Tara and Skylar. Kim went in his van. He and Kathy put the new bed together. Really nice! We saw their garden, yard, and the new baby kittens, a little cinder, and a pretty mottled tiger. Her name will probably be Lily? The yard has a nearby stream and beautiful scenic stump, and ferns. Alisha went with us to the deck on the waterfront, “The Buoy.” We had a great lunch. It was a nice day for sitting outside. We stopped and visited Everett at the hospital on the way back home.

He is a good guard dog against earwigs and ? Jaxon found out the hard way you don’t bite into a toad! He sure was doing a lot of spitting.

Someone left a huge puffball by my car door over at the hall on Wednesday. I cooked (fried) some for supper. Dip in beaten egg, and roll slices in cracker crumbs. If you do get one and have never tried them, make sure the flesh is pure white and firm to the touch. Peel the slices. If you like mushrooms, you’ll like this gift from Mother Earth.

Another Wednesday come and gone. The food just gets better and better. I don’t know who brings what, but thank you all. And it does seem to disappear like magic. We had six and three quarters tables. Pat Norton played with “Dolly” (the invisible), so I got to play with her mom (ours) Laura. We, incidentally came in with top honours, 935 points; second, Eileen and Ruth, 923 points; third, Janet and Glenn, 916 points; fourth, Melissa and Rose, 912 points; low, Bill and Ruth, 853 points. Today, Ruth McDonald won the high hand with 28. Exceptional! Our door prize draw winners were Ruth McDonald, Cal Pyette and Del Vanhorn. Please join us on Wednesday. You’ll have fun!

Happy birthday to Pat Norton on August 18.

Tuesday afternoon at Sandfield they were setting up for the Manitoulin Streams meeting later that evening while we were setting up for afternoon cribbage. We play one on one here so we have a contrast between our two days of games. A nice crowd of folks. I won high hand, 24; first, Janet; second, Ted; third, Glenn; low, Mum (Jean); door prize, Ruth.

Happy birthday to my granddaughter Tara on August 18.

Now for the Tehkummah euchre results. Reuben and Jeneen were on K.P. Good lunch as always. Men’s lone hands, 6, Rick; men’s high, 87, Rick; men’s low, 44, Dave James; ladies’ high, Barb Forth, 82; ladies’ lone hands, Lyla, 5; ladies’ low, Irene James (Marilyn and I thought we’d win low. I played as a man again); door prize, Annette. This Thursday Tehkummah tournament (how’s that for four “T: words in a row?) on August 21.

Lori said my brother-in-law Everett Hall passed away last night (Friday) around 12:30 am. Sympathy to Lori and Rick and all the rest of my nieces and nephews and their families. He has been in and out of the hospital many times since last year (C.O.P.D.).

Sherry picked me up in the morning and we dropped in for a few minutes. Susan went in early, just for a shoulder.

In the afternoon I was Betty Jean’s partner at the Manitowaning euchre tournament. She took Audrie and Dorothy too. They both came home as prizewinners. Audrie and Dave won top prize, Dorothy and Ted came in second, and Dorothy won the door prize. They let me off at Cal’s on the way home. Cole was just heading for Providence Bay Fair territory.

After we had our supper at Carol’s and Earl’s, we stopped at Mum’s for a small visit, then down to Lori and Rick’s. Stopped Rick from his mowing. Cal got to admire their new Impala. Nice car! We played cribbage, guys against girls. The guys came out on the winning side. I came out stronger though, later, the next three games against Cal.

Susan and I both picked on Mum on Thursday evening with Susan coming out the big winner.

Congratulations to the newlyweds Rhonda and Wayne!

Marg and Jim arrived on scene from Elliot Lake today to help Tara celebrate her birthday on Monday.

Smelled skunk outside Mum’s apartment this morning. Figured Susan had been there and beat her. So I figured she’d be an easy mark, so I challenged her and she “skunked” me! She beat me good after church as well. June McDougall was our minister today. Just Mum and I at Carol’s and Earl’s for lunch today. Worked in the yard a bit when I got home. Refilled “hum” bird feeders again too. Birds are flocking up already.


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