Home Columns Spring Bay Rural Route – Feb 5-14

Spring Bay Rural Route – Feb 5-14


We are still getting snowy, blowy weather, and on the cold side. We will soon be in February, and it may be better.

The Twilight Club held their January meetings and a noon luncheon on the 27th, around forty attended. After the luncheon we had our meeting. The guest speaker was Lianne Charette from the Manitoulin Health Team. She spoke on heart and stroke problems, our diet, and different exercises, and gave out several pamphlets. A very informative talk much enjoyed.

Thanks to Allen and Betty Kerr who treated us to homemade popcorn. It was a treat.

It keeps one busy keeping your driveway and walkways cleaned out.

Our prayers go out to Jeananne (Lanktree) Thibault who has been quite ill. We hope she will soon feel better.

There were ten and a half tables at the euchre tournament in Providence Bay on Tuesday night, though it was a snowy night.

On Thursday the Pentecostal Church folks had a noon luncheon and fellowship together. Soup and beverage was supplied. Sandwiches and dessert was potluck. It’s a nice time out and much enjoyed, especially for those who live alone. There are still folks sick with the cold and flu bug.

I was talking to Rev’d Bain Peever on Tuesday evening. He had just got home from being out with some friends for a birthday dinner and really enjoyed it. And of course their wives were with them.

I’m glad you had a Happy Birthday Bain.

We extend sympathy to the Dunlop family in Sault Ste. Marie on the passing of D.A. recently. At one time they lived on Manitoulin.

A misprint in last weeks news, it read ‘a member’ attended the Women’s dinner meeting, it should have read ‘a number.’


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