Home Columns Spring Bay Rural Route Dec 18

Spring Bay Rural Route Dec 18


December 12—Merry Christmas to all! We got some more snow again, and it’s much colder.

Campbell Horticultural Society held its Christmas noon luncheon and program on Tuesday at the Pentecostal fellowship room. We had a nice hot noon meal before singing Christmas carols. It was potluck, and we had a variety. Much enjoyed. We did a Christmas contest, sang more carols and visited.

Dinner guests with Reverend Bain Peever and Lynda last Saturday were Keith Finnila, Mageon Madore, Nola Haner, Lavina Galbraith, and Erma McAllister. After a lovely meal, Lynda took us ladies to see the Christmas lights in Mindemoya. They were really nice to see. Thanks Lynda!

Lillian Greenman and Laura W. Scott visited me on Sunday evening.

Thursday at St. Francis of Assisi Church we have invited the United Church ladies for a Christmas party. We will sing carols and have the Christmas story. After we will go downstairs for a hot noon luncheon and fellowship together.

Laura E. Scott was home for a few days. She is gone back to her daughter’s until Christmas. We hope she will soon feel better.

Curling all last week. The ladies ended up with Jennifer Jones’ rink playing Middaugh on Saturday. Jones rink won. In the men’s rink it was Jacobs playing the Morris rink. The Jacobs won. Sault Ste. Marie had a big day when they arrived home. They played well all week. Good games to watch.

To the Expositor and staff, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year all. And to the Recorder and staff, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year to my friends and relatives near and far, and to all those who read my column. Happy Holidays! Erma McAllister.



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