Home Columns Spring Bay Rural Route Dec 04

Spring Bay Rural Route Dec 04


Old man winter arrived and it’s been cold and windy. I guess we can expect that, as November is almost over.

Jackie White dropped in for a short visit Saturday evening. He and his family have moved to the Charlie White house. I was pleased to see him.

The Anglican Church ladies held a very successful luncheon, bazaar, baking and etc. Thanks to all who contributed, worked, and those who attended last Saturday. The door prizes went to: first, Nancy Panton from Gore Bay; second, Joan VanEvery from Meldrum Bay.

Betty Greenman visited with me last Thursday. She spent a few days with Laura W. Scott and the Norton’s in Spring Bay. Her husband was hunting with Lance Greenman on Barrie Island.

The Twilight Club held their Christmas dinner on Monday at noon. It was a lovely meal with turkey, ham and all the trimmings. Much enjoyed. They had a fun gift exchange. It was the last meeting until the New Year.

On Tuesday afternoon the Pentecostal Church ladies hosted a lovely luncheon, sang Christmas carols and visited. A nice afternoon and we thank them.

Deer season is over and a number of people got a deer.

Get well wishes to Chrissy Wilson who is taking treatments in Sudbury. And to Marie Sloss who is home after surgery in Sudbury. Get well to Laura E. Scott who is out of the hospital in Sudbury, and is staying with her daughter and family. Thinking of you all.

Have a good week! Maybe next week will be warmer.



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