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Spring Bay Rural Route


April 28—April is just about over but it still keeps a bit on the cool side.

Visitors with me last Tuesday were Nola Haner and Sheila Fogal. They brought me some treats. We had a nice visit.

Blair Sullivan was in for a visit after the McDermid funeral.

Sympathy to the White and Lanktree family in the passing of Thelma.

Irwin and Irene MacIntyre were in for a visit on Saturday afternoon.

A number of people from here attended the luncheon at the Catholic Church in Mindemoya on Saturday.

Several people from out of town attended the funeral of Ken McDermid at Culgin Funeral Home in Gore Bay. Some were Gordon and Marilyn, TJ, Leslie and family, Gordon Jr., Robert, Brenda and family, Terry and Pamela, Wally and Fern Pugh.

A lot of Blue Goose cattle from my barn left this week.

Today is the Twilight Club’s meeting in the Providence Bay Hall.

Get well wishes to all who are sick.


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