Home Columns Spring Bay Rural Route

Spring Bay Rural Route


December 1—Here we are in December and we hope for better weather.

On November 26 the Twilight Club held their Christmas dinner and program at Abby’s Restaurant. After the dinner Carol Gilmore and Allen Kerr led in carol singing many Christmas pieces. Bev Webster made the table centerpieces, and after the meal the tickets were drawn. Also other draws were made. We enjoyed our party. Many people attended.

Rev. Bain and Lynda Peever, Keith Finical, Mag Madero, and Nola Hanser went to Sudbury last weekend to help celebrate Brenda Karakatchan birthday. They had a nice time together. Belated birthday wishes to Brenda.

Get well wishes to Sheila Leeland who is quite ill and is in Sudbury now. Thinking of you!

The Pentecostal ladies at Spring Bay served a lovely lunch Tuesday afternoon. A number of people attended and enjoyed the lunch and the singing of Christmas carols.


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