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Spring Bay Rural Route


August 4—Mieke Delange came on Thursday and took me to the restaurant in Mindemoya to meet with Betty Gould. We had a nice visit together. Mieke and her daughter Carla left for home on Sunday.

Betty Greenman and Lillian Greenman visited me on Tuesday. We went out for dinner and met with Laura Scott and Patsy Norton. Betty and Don Greenman are visiting Lance and Lillian Greenman on Barrie Island.

Get well wishes to Don Arnold and Theresa Webb who were in the hospital in Mindemoya.

The weather is a bit nicer this week for farmers who are haying.

I have been enjoying the vegetables from the garden—potatoes, carrots, beans and lettuce.

The Festival of Hymns was held last Sunday in St. Francis of Assissi Church in Mindemoya. It was much enjoyed.

Pastor Dan and Terry Thompson had several friends and family visiting them last week. They also took in the camp meetings in Spring Bay. Some of their visitors were Rowena West from Cambridge (who is a classmate from their college days), Brian Chamberlain from Elmira, and their daughter-in-law Heather Pham and grandsons Tyler, Jordan and Joshua.

Dr. Terry McAllister from Sault Ste. Marie called on me on Saturday. He is holidaying at the McAllister residence on the 12th Line.

Irwin and Irene MacIntyre visited me on Saturday and had tea with me.

Marlene Ste. Croix visited me and brought me a large bowl of raspberries. I’m enjoying them. Thanks Marlene!

Stanley Park celebrated Hallowe’en in August last Saturday. Around 130 children all dressed for the occasion. The wee tots were so cute in saying “Trick or Treat.” I enjoyed going.

Charlotte Leonard and Charlene Biggs are here at the Leonard cottage.

Ken and Sheila Maeck had several members of their family visiting them last week.

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend. The parks were full and the beach at Providence Bay was full as well.

Sympathy to his wife, family and relatives in the passing of Harold McCutcheon.

Visitors last week to Reverend Bain and Lynda Peever were Bruce and Julie Peever and family.


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