Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Solutions other than bounties exist for coyote control

Solutions other than bounties exist for coyote control


Association for the Protection of Fur Bearing Animals offers alternatives

To the Expositor:

Re: Farmers demand wolf bounty back following loss of sheep to coyotes (October 28, Page 1).

Landowners who are struggling to manage wildlife conflict are right to be frustrated–particularly when what they believe to be an easy answer seems readily available, yet not utilized. But your article on coyote depredation in Manitoulin lacked several solutions that are available – and would avoid the devastation of a bounty.

Bounties or culls can wreak havoc on ecosystems, particularly with science now showing conclusively that they are ineffective at eliminating or even reducing conflict. Further, coyote (including the unique Eastern coyote) populations are now known to actually increase in size when persecuted.

Utilizing livestock guardian dogs, patrols with shepherds, hazing techniques, and other non-lethal measures such as noisemakers and motion-sensor activated lights or sprinklers, can virtually eliminate depredation by coyotes on livestock.

The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals is willing and able to connect individual landowners or communities in Manitoulin and across Canada with resources on any of these options. More can learned at www.TheFurBearers.com.

With warmest regards,

Michael Howie, spokesperson

The Association for the Protection

of Fur Bearing Animals


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