Home News Headline Sharon Alkenbrack named to Billings council

Sharon Alkenbrack named to Billings council


KAGAWONG—A former member of Billings council will take over the current vacant seat on council for the rest of this term.

Sharon Alkenbrack was selected by councillors among five candidates for the position at a meeting earlier this week after the sudden passing of councillor Gerry Mack recently.

“Everyone is aware of what has happened and knows why we put a notice in the newspapers requesting interested applicants to put their names and provide a list of qualifications forward for the position for the rest of the term of council—the next three months,” said Billings Mayor Austin Hunt at a council meeting Monday.

Mayor Hunt explained, “we had a total of five applicants, and they are all excellent people with a good background.”

There was some discussion among council members as to whether council could go in camera to hold their vote, with a resolution passed to do this by ballot, with a tie vote going to the flip of a coin to determine the new councillor.

Prior to council going into camera to vote, Mayor Hunt read letters and the background for each of the five candidates, which included Ms. Alkenbrack, Nora Bath-Haring, Dave Montgomery, Barb Erskine and Dave Montgomery.

Mayor Hunt said in the case of Ms. Alkenbrack she had written a brief letter to council stating, “I wish to submit my name to fill the council position left vacant for the remaining term.”

“She would fill the vacant council position for the next four months,” Mayor Hunt told council prior to their vote. “She has a lot of qualifications, had been a councillor for many years, and was a former banker, business person and has served on a number of organizations over the years.”

It was pointed out by the mayor after council had voted that indeed there had been a tie vote and Ms. Alkenbrack had won the coin flip.

Council passed a resolution approving Ms. Alkenbrack as the newest member of council.

In an interview with the Recorder Tuesday morning Ms. Alkenbrack explained she has no intention of running again for the full term of council (four years) in this fall’s municipal election. “I am simply doing this now because I’m very community oriented, I love this township and love living here and I feel I have something to offer and wanted to offer my services on council for the next few months.”

Ms. Alkenbrack explained she has previously served on council for two and a half terms, was previously the president of the Manitoulin Tourism Association (MTA), was a founding member of the Manitoulin Chamber of Commerce, was one of two people who started the Manitoulin Art Tour, and is chair and a member of the Billings Economic Development Committee that has developed such projects as the cedar maze, game board, and the recent construction and opening of the new Riverbend Stage in Kagawong.


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