Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Sad that the greed of the few threaten the future for many

Sad that the greed of the few threaten the future for many


Harvesting spawning fish will destroy the resource for the next generation, let alone seven

To the Expositor:

It is unfortunate that we appear to be living in a time where common sense and common courtesy are becoming less important than our own enjoyment or personal gain. Yet those who do things lacking in common sense and common courtesy for their own personal gain, without concern for its impact to others, seem to take significant offence when they feel things lacking in common courtesy and common sense are done, in their opinion, against them—it makes very little sense. Common sense and common courtesy is a two-way street whether it’s something like boaters who fly by docks with boats on them (private and/or marinas) throwing wake and tossing the boats around without concern for its impact, or netting fish in stocked lakes during spawning season.

The Little Current Fish and Game Club have for many years had dedicated volunteers spending hundreds of hours harvesting, looking after the fry and stocking Pike and Bass lakes with pickerel. As well, hundreds of volunteer hours have been put in doing night watch at Bass Creek for poachers. The entire process being one, to not only ensure a legacy of fish, but to also educate the youth on the processes and the need to ensure fish are there for the next generations. Hundreds of Manitoulin school children have been given tours and instruction by these dedicated volunteers, as well as volunteers from Manitoulin Streams, on the need to not only enjoy the land and the ability to fish in these marvellous Island waters but to be aware of the need to protect what we have, not just the fish but the land, streams and the water.

I am saddened to hear that the Little Current Fish and Game club volunteers are now at a crossroads and are seriously considering stopping their fish harvest and education programs because there are some, who without concern for common sense or common courtesy, have made the decision to do something for their own gain without concern for the consequences. The netting of fish during the spawning season, which has been happening for too long now, has now achieved the consequence of almost completely depleting the pickerel again. It is the opinion of the Little Current Fish and Game Club that it is no longer worthwhile to continue this worthwhile harvesting for the gain of those who just want to do the fishery harm. So very sad! It is not like the club members have not attempted to speak to those who have influence to see a change and stop the netting, but it has been to no avail. So pickerel will become a thing of the past and not a thing of the future. Too bad some more common sense and common courtesy could not come into play.

Barbara Baker

Little Current


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