Home News Local Robinson Township holds very successful fundraiser for hospital

Robinson Township holds very successful fundraiser for hospital

Organizer Jean Steeves serves up some delicious baked goods to happy hunters.

Linda Thiessen

SILVER WATER—Once again Robinson Township outdid themselves, holding the 30th annual hunters’ pancake breakfast on the Sunday before gun hunting begins at the Silver Water Community Centre.

This event was started over 30 years ago by Peggy Noble, who was on the Manitoulin Health Centre hospital board, taken over by the next area board member Betty Rumley until 2002, when Jane Wismer, also the area hospital board member, took over the position of organizing and supervising the breakfast. The breakfast has averaged $1,000 in donations to the hospital board annually, which goes toward supplying and maintaining hospital equipment.

New to the hunters’ breakfast for the last five years, Jean Steeves organizes a bake sale, providing the hunters with wonderful home baking donated by the ladies of the community and area to sell in support of Missions and service through the United Church. This year the bake sale brought in $432 for Mission and Service.


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