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C.C. McLean holds annual Autism Awareness Walk

GORE BAY—Students and staff of Charles C. McLean School in Gore Bay braved the cold weather to show their support of those people with Autism recently.

“This is our fourth annual Autism Awareness walk,” said Courtney Lockyer, a teacher at C.C. McLean. “The walk is held for autism awareness and to show support for families of those who have family members who have autism and those who have autism.”

“A few years ago autism awareness was one of the things our (Grade 6/7) class focused on, and we have carried on this event every April since then,” said Ms. Lockyer. She noted as well, a former student with autism, Molly Blodgett, was a student in the class that year.

“We have students from every class wearing blue and walking on Monday to show our support for families and those with autism,” added Ms. Lockyer.

Hydro outage planned for May 7 and 29

MANITOULIN––Construction work to replace a switching station in Espanola will necessitate shutting off power to Espanola, Manitoulin Island, Cockburn Island and Killarney on Saturday, May 7 between 7 am and 2 pm and again on Sunday, May 29 between 7 am and 1 pm.

Hydro officials note that in order to replace the switching station, power in the lines will have to be turned off, but the benefits of the new station will include a more reliable energy supply along the Highway 6 corridor, Manitoulin, Cockburn and Killarney.

While normally such maintenance work is conducted on Sundays, providing the least disruption to services, May 8 coincides with Mother’s Day, so the work was shifted to Saturday, but should weather prove to be too inclement on Saturday, the alternate day will be Sunday, May 8.


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